Thankfully I had to wait for a delivery today, so I got to enjoy the weather out on the deck. Well actually by deck I mean garden and it faces East so I was actually enjoying the shade. However it didn't matter where I was because I was outside and realising that Spring may well have arrived (touching wood), bringing with it a break from S.A.D and gloominess.
This arrival of Spring has also made me realise that every man, woman and their dogs will be out running, jumping and wheeling through London. For this I thought I'd offer some basic, but sound advice.
1) Don't wear lycra suits. This is for all the men that may think it acceptable to wear lycra shorts with lycra tops, whilst not competing for an Olympic event. You won't gain the speed you think. You need to lose weight and get fitter, that'll drop your 10k time.
2) Start Gradually. On a more serious note here. Don't do a T J Alfry and start running 35+ miles a week after having been on holiday drinking and eating for 2 weeks. It's not clever and it'll probably get you injured. Keep it small (20-30mins) and spend half that time stretching afterwards, you're muscles will thank you for it.
3) Keep it up. Many men will know this problem. They start something adventurous and exciting, feeling empowered and positive, but soon get tired, frustrated and feel like they've failed. Yes that's right, when you start training, you need to "keep it up", "little and often" is a good way of developing a habit that is achievable and gets the results you want. ;)
Ok that's all the wisdom I have for today. My Yoda like self will "back be soon I will".
So until then,
Happy Training :) T