Most people assume that I enjoy seeing people suffer in training sessions. (Whoever told you that is a liar and my legal team will be contacting them.) Well it's not true. Every personal trainer wants to create sessions that are challenging, that is after all one of the reasons people employ us. It's not our fault that clients don't pull out their finger and do the additional sessions needed. That is why they suffer.
If I said you won't get fit with personal training once or twice a week would you believe me? Well believe.
Many think that their one session a week will get them the body they crave. Perhaps because it is "personal training" it is believed that it can cure poor biomechanics, spot erase fat and create a body that Adonis would be jealous of. No sir it can't. Anyone that tells you it can is a big fat liar.
What it can do once a week is teach you correct exercise form, push you beyond what you thought possible (limitations in your head) and instil the desire to be regularly active.
Personal trainers should be able to motivate and push you to new levels, so that you take up the reins in between sessions. I don't want my clients to rely on me for training. I want them to be motivated to do it themselves. So that when I'm not there they'll progress without me.
A lot of the time this is a pipe dream for trainers. Our clients are usually a pleasure to work with, but most are inable to do it themselves. Whether its time, motivation, energy levels or laziness, they hold themselves back from getting stuck in.
So what's the point?
That's normally what my friends say about PT. The point is that if I do my job properly I can enrich my clients life through positive, challenging and fun sessions. There is also the possibility, however small that I may make a big enough impact for them to change and take the lead on their health and fitness.
Until that time I shall push my clients, make them "suffer" and enjoy it when they are fitter and healthier than before.
Happy training!
Tom :-)
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