We got back to Sydney and our beach home on Wednesday night after a short skip and a hop through Dubai.
We had a great time back home during our six week sojourn. The two weddings we went back for were great fun and were blessed with great weather. The rest of the six weeks was a blur visiting friends and family across the country and although it was enjoyable it won't be something I repeat! Next time we head home it will be a much more relaxed affair.
Back at the beach we have settled straight back into our routine. Catherine and I both returned to work on the Thursday and I can safely say it helped to "reset" our body clocks. I slept for a good nine hours on both Thursday and Friday!
It was brilliant to get back to work at Gap on Thursday. I felt a little like a minor royal (probably Eugenie) and it was fun to get stuck in.
Catherine enjoyed going back to work as it meant she wasn't rushing all over seeing everyone and got to do yoga at the days end.
As I type this Catherine is being flung around above another mans head. She is really excited about getting back to Acro and acting like a big kid (in age if not size ;))
Naturally it was tough leaving England, but we were both keen to get back to our life here after rushing about for six weeks. The lifestyle here is relaxed to say the least. Even when working we both know at the end of the day we can go for a run, swim or do yoga in a beach setting. Yes we could do all these in England, but not only is the weather better, but the people are friendlier (than London at least). So before anyone says anything, yes we miss home, but only for the friends and family we leave behind. I'd trade London for the beach life any day. It may not be perfect, but the balance is much more positive here than the city back home.
Well I better scoot. I'm off to watch the Lions begin their tour of the Southern Hemisphere. Good times.
Tom :)
- Posted using a modern day type writer