Thursday, 20 February 2014

Hello stranger!

I'm back! These last few weeks have been pretty busy with work, training and volunteering, so I've not had a chance to post a regular update.

Catherine and I have been busy training for our marathon in Newcastle on April 6th. C has been doing well with training and I have been making sure she doesn't overdo it (she's so keen!) My training has been going surprisingly well too, despite missing a lot of gym sessions I've been getting my runs in and cycling too. Come the 6th we both hope to knock a few minutes off our PBs.

We have also kept busy guiding our blind friends Majella and Bill from Achilles. This weekend Bill and Catherine will run a half marathon at Orange running festival. A first for Bill and a great achievement having only started running last year after years of competitive power lifting and tandem cycling. I will be there too, both in support of Bill and C and to guide our friend Prue Watt in the 10km event. Prue is an 8 time Paralympic medallist and a fantastic laugh, so I am chuffed to be guiding her on Sunday.

Next Friday we will be walking 50km at Coastrek with Majella as part of team" Cakewalkers 35". Coastrek is a coastal walking event running  through the night into the early hours of Saturday morning. For those on Facebook you may have seen my fundraising post recently. We have been doing long training walks of 3-6 hours over the last 2 months in preparation for walking over rocky, hilly terrain. Our aim is to finish in 12 hours, so I'll let you know how we get on. Naturally as the "Cakewalkers" we will be eating cake at the end of the event!

In other news I have stopped doing the 4 hour body. The lentils, beans and chickpeas became too much, so I stopped and reverted to Tom's diet. Its a scientifically proven method for staying fit and healthy, whilst eating a variety of cake and ice cream. I'd tell you more, but you may get jealous ;)

Although I've stopped the 4 hour body, I have been reading a great book called 'Pure, white and deadly' by John Yudkin. If you are interested in the anti-sugar movement and things like the Paleo diet then this is a great book from the 70s. It effectively predicts the rise in obesity and diabetes because of sugar. Megoliths such as Coca Cola paid to put Yudkin out of business through opposing research, advertising and marketing. Forty years on we are all blind to the sugar in our foods and the control the big companies have. Check it out!

I've been receiving coaching over the last few weeks from a friend of mine. Nancy Lipman is a life and business coach who has helped me enormously in a very short space of time. I decided at the start of the year (no it wasn't a NY resolution) that I wanted to achieve a number of goals in 2014. As a result I began my coaching with Nancy and those around me have seen the changes already. It is a long process to change old habits, create new ones and remain committed to their success, but I am happier than ever that it's working. The more organised Tom is here!

On a final update, Catherine and I are heading back to England for 11 days in April. We will be there from April 9th, mainly in my hometown of Salisbury. We are both excited about heading back as we've missed friends and family. We are also looking forward to a rest after the marathon with plenty of mountain biking instead!

If you want to read more just click on the links above.

Until next week,

Happy training!

T :)