Sunday, 20 August 2017

Love yourself

This post has nothing to do with self-love, I just hoped that I could lure you in. Actually it does have a little to do with being kind to yourself and accepting that shit happens. 

I’ve been useless again lately having built up a load of great tools for my mental health. I’ve let my mind get “busy” and that routine has slipped. But the benefit of improving my mental stability is that I no longer beat myself up when I don’t do something I planned. Yes routine is great, but shit happens and I am no saint. The great thing about where I am now is that I am balancing areas of my life that are different to before and feeling much calmer about it all.

Over the last few months I have been pretty consistent with podcasting, but I let it slip a week or two ago. This was mainly due to focusing on work and preparing for interviews. But also because getting guests to commit to a time that fits into my schedule is difficult. Like I said before though, sometimes you have to just be cool with things changing and roll with it. This week I was able to interview two guests and have another lined up to record tomorrow. Perhaps the best thing I could do was miss a couple of weeks in order to show me what I really needed to do, get a bloody wall planner!

This week’s interviews had me talking to two more great friends, David and Hana. They both had some great insight into mental health and produced some brilliant tools that anyone can use. Hana inspired me to get a wall planner to track my habits and make it obvious what I need to do. David has a brilliant mind (as dark as mine) and is always a pleasure to talk to. The more I do these interviews the more I learn and develop my questioning of my guests. The one thing I am learning is to shut the hell up and let people just talk, when I do that they produce some right gems of wisdom.

The only thing I wanted to share before I sign off is that I have been using the Five Minute Journal to help improve my mood and focus. If you haven’t heard of it then you should Google it. Tim Ferris loves it and has used it consistently for a long time now and I find it the easiest tool to improve my mental state. You don't need to buy the journals, I certainly haven’t, but use it for a week and see how you get on. I am certain you’ll find it useful.

The latest podcast episode is up and this the first time a woman has joined me to talk about mental health. The only reason I have focused on male guests is because most men are useless at talking about it. However anyone that has experienced mental health problems can contribute to the conversation and inspire others with their habits and passions. So going forwards you’ll get to meet all sorts of wonderful guests as I explore mental health and what we can do to manage it successfully.

Here’s to healthy, calm mind.

Tom :)