It's been awhile since my last confession, I mean blog. So I wanted to start off my return to blogging with 5 morning exercises. They are simple mobility and dynamic stretching exercises to awaken the muscles and joints in a friendly way. Also perfect before a run to loosen everything up. If you need a video see where you'll find this as a video.
Try 60 seconds per exercise. Perform one set of each exercise then repeat 3 times.
1) Hula Hips - Stand feet shoulder width apart. Slowly circle hips clockwise, starting small and gradually building to larger circles. Change direction at 30 seconds. (This loosens lumbar spine and hip joints)
2) Shoulder Rolls - Bring arms up to shoulder height. Slowly circle arms forwards, starting with small circles and gradually building to large circles. After 30 seconds change direction, circling backwards from large circles to small circles.
3) Pec Dyno - Bring arms across your body as though trying to hug yourself then open arms out to make a T shape with your body. Bring arms back across body, then out again. Starting off slow and gradually building speed. Don't force arms back, but keep relaxed to open chest and warm arms.
4) Squat Reach - Feet a little wider than shoulder width. Squat down, bum back and back straight. Stand up reaching arms up to ceiling as you do so, all the way up onto the toes, then lower back down into the squat and repeat. Focus on control and reaching that stretch up to the ceiling.
5) Shadow Box - Yes that's right! You'd be surprised how boxing can help control your anger and focus your mind. Don't worry you don't need the bag...yet! Stand slightly side on in front of a mirror with elbows tucked into your sides and fists "guarding" your face. Slowly extend your left (if your are right handed) fist out knuckles facing the ceiling. Don't lock the arm fully just 95%. Bring back into guard position and repeat with the right. Gradually speed the arms up keeping them relaxed, not tense.
If you are not sure about any of these exercises please visit for videos of the above exercises.
Remember: start slowly, gradually speed up. These are warm-up exercises, so treat your body kind and it'll like you back :)
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