Friday, 23 September 2011

Tom's cake of the week

As part of the Four Hour Body experiment on myself I have been looking forward to the finer things in life. "Cheat Day" is the one day a week when I can eat as many "white carbs" as possible. However I don't want to have any old rubbish! I've been thinking of cakes and pastries of the most spectacular taste and texture, worthy of Royalty.

Sorry I got lost there for a moment. So as part of the weekly ritual of "Cheat Day" I shall be posting "Tom's cake of the week" every Friday. When I say cake I mean it in a loose sense, so that it may include pastries, pancakes, bread items and generally anything sweet that has been made to the highest specification.

So in future I welcome your suggestions, but please be upstanding for Tom's cake of the week...

Mrs. Clafoutis

An oven baked pancake, which is soft and topped with fruit. This photo doesn't do it justice, so feel free to check and Google away.

My personal recommendation is to have it with a cup of English Breakfast Tea, perhaps Twinings Everyday...

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