Monday, 3 October 2011

Bad Sloth

Firstly an apology for not getting this posting out last week. That means that you will have to (well you don't have to) read two blog posts this week.

Since the week before last (when I blogged daily on my first week of the Four Hour Body diet) I have discovered some interesting things.

Firstly I need more carbohydrates. As much as I enjoy this way of eating (WOE) I struggle with light headedness through the week. The protein, beans, lentils and vegetables are great for filling me up and preventing me from even wanting to snack. But the calorie density of Mr and Mrs vegetable is much less than their evil nemesis Mr White Carb. However I have a solution, it is called the Sloth 4HB. Within this WOE I shall follow the 4 Hour Body, but add a little quinoa or brown rice to ensure I actually have some energy to work AND train. The 4HB is not a diet of less calories, it's just harder to eat enough vegetables when running with clients and cycling between their houses.

Secondly when I get to cheat day on a Saturday I need to remember that I haven't had sugar in a week. After this weekend just gone my stomach was not happy with me from all the sugar I introduced to it. Yes that included alcohol (bad sloth), cakes and numerous wheat products. On a plus side I think I helped my liver by drinking water like my life depended on it. So much in fact that I now have a toilet loyalty card from McDonalds.

Moving swiftly on. I think my profound blog will come a little later in the week as I am not feeling as saintly and heroic (thanks to cheat day) as usual. So I shall round up this post with a word of warning. If you stick to any diet, make sure that you don't limit yourself to the point of craving. If you get get enough protein, vegetables and good healthy fibre in during the week, you will stay filled up and keep your energy levels constant. That way when you get to your own cheat day/friday night/weekend you won't want to eat every cream cake, jammie dodger or pizza in sight. If you do then be realistic with yourself, no normal person is a saint (myself included) when it comes to eating. If you slip up, just let it slide and put your determination back into a healthy diet and exercise program.

T ;-)

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