This post is not about my finger. But since it had a fight with a mallet where it lost, got broken and its nail fell off a lot has happened. Mainly we moved to Sydney and a new and different life! However during that time Mr. Nail has slowly been recovering and with a lot of sunshine he is now (almost) surpassing his former glory!
Back to business! I thought I'd tap out a short update on Bronte life. There's not much excitement at the moment, so you won't be too jealous I promise.
Next week is Catherine's last week waitressing before she becomes a full time lawyer (again!) She is really looking forward to getting back to the office (read without sarcasm) as she is diving into her new role with relish for law again. On a personal note I am happy to see her happy with work and having a better balance here in Sydney.
I am continuing to work full time at Gap giving unfortunate people advice on clothes. As yet I've had no complaints, but that may be due to me wearing Anthony's name badge. I have been doing some carpentry jobs, helping my friend Jamie to get his house renovated. I've really enjoyed getting back "on the tools". Hopefully I am going to start full time carpentry work in the next two weeks with a friend of Jamie's. Above all else I am here to learn (and have a good time) so that if we do come back I will be ready to jump into any carpentry going!
Other than that we are trying to enjoy the weather and beach as much as possible and do fun things with friends. We won't know whether we are staying longer until after our trip home to England, so we are making sure we enjoy ourselves.
We now have a rough schedule for April & May, so I'll post that on the next post.
Catherine and I have been trialling various yoga classes since we got here. Most studios give you a two week unlimited pass for $20, so we've been "doing the rounds" so to speak.
After our most recent trial we joined up with Power Living yoga at Bondi Junction because it has loads of classes and is convenient for both of us to get to straight from work. For $90 we have unlimited classes, so I am fully expecting my foot to be almost behind my head by the end of February!
To dispel any myths that some of you may have about "yoga", it is not namby pamby. This stuff is either hot yoga or very warm at the least. It's the kind of yoga whereby you sweat getting into and holding poses and frequently feel like you will fall over. Ah sorry, that may just be me. But nevertheless it is HARD.
The other side is the meditative one. There's not a lot of it, but it helps to focus the mind. Mostly you are focussing on what you are doing and not worrying about work etc.
"HIPPY!" You may cry. But having been involved in fitness training since I was 16 I can safely say that meditation is a part of all exercise. When I run I focus on my breathing, I try and relax, I am mindful of my strides, how I lift my knees and how I place my feet. I admit I've been doing this for a few years, so I focus on it more than most. But if you go for a run you will quite easily focus on that activity, that moment in time, just on you. That is a form of meditation. The same can be applied to weight training, acrobatics or plate spinning. There's a form of meditation in all. For me I find it in carpentry, writing, running and yoga. When I'm not doing those things regularly I can get grumpy all too easily (ask Catherine) and depressed for no reason.
So when you next have time to yourself, whether its walking, running, carpentry or puppy juggling just focus on that moment, that practice and you will have your meditation.
Until next time that is all from Yogi Tom.
- Posted using a modern day type writer
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