We have only four weeks until we return to England for a six week holiday.
Taking a holiday from a "working holiday" may be seen by some as indulgent. But we have several good reasons for this trip home. Firstly two weddings, secondly several new born babies and thirdly to see family and friends.
We sent our schedule out to all our family and friends recently in order to make the most of our time home. A few people "took the Michael", probably because I am about as organised as a barrel of snakes. The email was my suggestion (I think!), but an idea that Catherine loves. She loves to have a plan, to know what is going on, and on this trip it is essential. When we go home and people say "are you free on the 28th?", I will be referring them to the aforementioned email with a look of disdain and incredulity.
Whilst in England I have a few carpentry projects that I hope to complete for family and friends. All being well this will mean that I can gather a bit more experience and hone my skills.
I recently finished the project above for a friend. It was good to use some of my joinery skills as it is not an area that I would say I'm an expert in. However I am proficient enough to know what to do. Add that to my desire for perfection and I am pleased with the results. I learnt a great deal from this job and now have a greater understanding of working with different materials, using different techniques and taking my time to get things right.
One thing I will be collecting from home is my GSharp chisel sharpener. I managed to forget to pack it with the tools I shipped out and have been loathed to buy a new inferior alternative. If you are a DIYer or tradesmen I strongly recommend checking it out. Just visit www.chiselsharpener.co.uk for video tutorials by Gervase Evans the inventor and a great friend of mine. Whether you are in Australia or Antarctica* he can ship it to you. *You may want to check before ordering to the Antarctic ;)
Among some of the things I have missed (a little) whilst we've been in Sydney, is cycling. When we get back I am fully expecting spring to be in bloom (please!), so that Catherine and I can hit the trails and do some long mountain bike rides to a country pub or two. There's something natural and enlivening about travelling under your own steam. The same could be said of running to work, but to do it regularly requires more dedication and motivation than I possess. Cycling is by far the easiest way to get around. Especially when the buses are as reliable and true as a politician here in Sydney.
Until next time,
Tom :)
- Posted using a modern day type writer
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