Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Roll on Friday!

Do you ever get those weeks where you forget what day it was, think that it's much closer to the weekend and then realise that it is still only Tuesday? That's the week that I am having so far. I think the half marathon has killed what little brain cells I had left.

Today was a good day at work, but also trying at the same time. Trying to change youself for the better is a tiring and long process, much like trying to clean a floor with a toothbrush. The good thing about working at my new place is that I get regular feedback. The bad side to this is that it is often to do with areas that I already know need work. It gets repeated to me often enough each week that it actually becomes infuriating. Mainly because I am trying not to do things that I have done for two decades and that doesn't change overnight, no matter who you are.

I have recently begun using Pocketbook, a great budgeting app that once given access to your bank account (much like Mint in the UK) can help you to budget successfully. I have set a spending limit for things like food (outside of groceries), coffee and any social stuff. I am only into the second week of using this handy app and have discovered a few interesting things:

  1. I don't have enough money
  2. I spend too much money
  3. I have to cut out a lot of expenditure.
As a result of this enlightenment I have had to make some painful cuts. Feeling much like George Osborne after his first budget I have had to make some drastic cuts, which are going to make me unpopular. Although in this case I will only be unpopular with myself (read cold turkey on caffeine). This budget cuts look like this:

  1. Cancel yoga membership. I have fallen off the wagon of two regular sessions a week since my new job began and even then it was a push to justify it.
  2. Reduce my weekly coffee spend by 50%. Insanely I reckon I spend between $30 & $50 a week. I bloody love coffee, but I need to get that under control!
  3. Reduce bus usage by 50%. This is an approximate figure, but basically it means "stop being lazy and just walk!" 
  4.  Cut out snack purchases. Ultimately I need to be organised and pack lunch and dinner for work everyday. I just have to be prepared, so that I never need to buy lunch or snacks.
So I am now preparing for the severity of these cuts with a cold beer (I had bought them pre-budget) and some nuts. I feel like the next month is going to be tough, but then I should be ok. I'll keep you posted with how it goes.

I'll update you on Friday as I have a late shift tomorrow.


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