Monday, 13 October 2014

Back to normality

The marathon is over and the season has finished for another year. Not that I've let that interfere with work over the last month (I was a lazy sloth), so the title of this post could be misleading.

Normality over the last four weeks has meant working 6 or 7 days a week, but I am not yet convinced that this is the version of "normal" that I want to repeat. Having failed at getting my sub 3:30 marathon at the weekend it did make me think whether working constantly is worth it. The downsides  of working a lot are fairly obvious; I am tired and grumpy most days (yes more than usual), I have less energy to train and I can't do my house husband duties to the usual standard. The upsides are that I have more money to put towards debt payment/saving, I am making a positive use of my days off in the week and I am less melancholic as I have less time to think.

Fortunately I have had some time to think over the weekend and reflect on the last few weeks. My diagnosis of my current work life balance was this, I work a lot and have no life. So as a direct result I am now going to reduce the extra hours I work outside of Apple and take some time off. In doing this I can still earn extra money towards the "debt problem" (or dp for short), without the downsides of grumpiness, fatigue and possible illness. Also with the extra time afforded by removing a day of work I can focus on the wp (writing problem), which has not had as much time afforded it of late. Character development for the book has come on well, but it needs daily treatment to progress and any thing more than a snails pace.

All in all I am feeling quite chipper post marathon. Apple work is going very well and I have a couple of quarterly goals to achieve. Catherine is enjoying work and hopefully with the new plan I will still be "chipper" when my days off come round, so that we enjoy some time together. More importantly there is not long until the wedding, so I have started writing my speech. I hope it to be a tear jerker (with the help of some onion spray) and a solid reminder as to why I should not be allowed a microphone or free reign to speak.

T :)

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