Thursday, 19 February 2015

Just do it

Getting back into running and writing are similarly difficult. Having had a break from running for a few months and writing for a few weeks it is a struggle to get back into both.

On the upside I am extremely motivated and enthusiastic about running again after a good rest from it. Catherine and I are going to run at the Barossa marathon at the end of May and hopefully enjoy some wine afterwards! On the downside it feels as though I have started all over again with running. It's hard to breathe, I feel heavier (I am) and my body is not sharing the enthusiasm that I so readily possess.

Writing is very much the same after a considerable break all be it without the breathlessness. Sitting down to write creatively is like drawing blood from a stone, I have been sat staring at the page hoping for my imagination to kick in and conjure something decent for me to scribble down.

When I get to this stage in any activity I try to remind myself what certain close friends would say. My uber wise friend Mike "Turnip" Cavendish would often say "just do it!" This would probably be followed with "you fat, lazy tart." Even without the latter the simple message is the best. Just doing it is where you begin. You don't start a marathon program by talking about it. Nor do you write a book by telling people about the story. You just start. It may be a pain in the arse (literally with running) and you may only do a small amount, but getting out and doing it consistently is the only way you will achieve what you have been gabbing on about for so long.

As I write these words I have done what I encourage you to do above. I ran my training run this morning and then sat down to write this. Tomorrow I will do the same and the day after that too. It won't be easy, but now is the time to "just do it".

Happy running and writing!

Tom :)

- Posted from the modern day type writer

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