Saturday, 9 May 2015

Creating new habits

Recently I have read a couple of inspiring and informative books on business and habit creation. On finishing I have begun absorbing their teachings into my daily routine. Firstly I have started getting up earlier, 530am to be precise, in order to start my day off with some "wins". My routine now includes mobility warm up exercises (pre-run), a cup of PG Tips finest and marathon training. My target is to carry out this routine for 30 days in order to solidify a new habit of morning training.

My aim with this new habit creating business is three fold:

  1. Look after my ageing body.
  2. Get my marathon training done first thing in the day.
  3. Enjoy a cup of England's finest brew.
As far as I am concerned these are pretty good reasons to create a new habit. But there is more to it than quaffing tea and wiggling my hips around (mobility exercises are unusual). It is about teaching an old dog (that's me) new tricks. It is about creating a positive change and making that the norm in order to improve my life and those around me. This is a simple habit creation, but the plan is to use it to make me write every day and put my plan for World domination into action. It may take time, but over the next 30 days you can be sure to see regular short updates here on my progress.  

Already this week I have managed a complete marathon training week, which is a great achievement in itself. For months I have not had the motivation and desire to run, in fact I don't quite have it back now. But you can't just train or work when you feel good. If you have a goal to reach and you want to make a marked difference in your life or others then you have to train and work all the time. You have to commit 100% and make that thing part of who you are. Otherwise you are just playing and you won't achieve a great deal. If you are ok with that then you are probably reading the wrong blog!

Before I sign off for today I wanted to share a tip that one of my recent reads gave me. It states that in order to create a new habit you need to "anchor" it to an existing habit that you do automatically. For example if I want to do my mobility exercises and go for a run early in the morning then I need to tack it onto something I already do in the morning. There are two things I do in the morning when I wake up. Bladder emptying and teeth brushing. Once I've done those simple things I make a cuppa and start my 15 minute mobility exercises. Once warmed I change and head out for a run. Now that I have incorporated it into my routine it is much easier and I start the day feeling positive and proactive.

I'll let you know how I progress, but maybe you can try the same for a habit you want to create. 

Just do it.

Tom :)

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