Monday, 18 April 2016

Help me out

This is a short post as I posted yesterday and I don't want to use up all my creative brain power nor your valuable reading time.

As I am writing my handbook for depression I'd like to get some help from you. If you or anyone you know has depression or anxiety I'd like to know what works for you/them? If you have coped for years then what is it that keeps you plugging away? What helps you deal with those dark times and come out the other side? I know that for most people talking to someone is difficult, but you may have found that speaking to a helpline was invaluable. For others it could be writing, singing, meditating or many other awesome tools. If you are happy to share with me then I'd like to be be able to use your tools within my book. I won't name you (unless you want the fame), but I would like to compile the best techniques in order to help others. I already have my own, but I know there will be loads out there.

So please can you forward this post onto friends and family that might be able to help. I can be contacted directly at

Thank you in advance,

Tom :)

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