Friday, 30 September 2016

Working yourself out

I have enjoyed a little break from writing online recently as I've focused on the present moment. The most interesting part of this break being that I haven't felt the need to blog to relieve any anxiety or to satiate feelings of depression. Overall I have had the most stable three months I can remember and that is due in a large part to the change I have been creating.

For the last 123 days I read, meditated and wrote every single day. I set an easily achievable target in order to create new healthy habits which would help calm my over-active mind. Some days I wrote a great deal more than my one page goal, other days I struggled to get there. No matter what came up I kept consistent with these three things. Every day added to my tally was another small step in the right direction.

I have no illusions that I can always go backwards towards depression. But the last year has taught me what I need to do in order to maintain balance and keep my head in check. When I started this change I wanted to reach a place where I was calm and content. Now more than ever I feel I'm at that place and all I have to do is maintain what I've begun.

Two weeks ago I took a personality test which identified my strengths and weaknesses. It has helped me to recognise what I can develop in myself and who I work best with . What the report and book revealed about my psychology was fascinating but most of it I already recognised in myself. More revealing though was what I learnt about other personality types, their different views and what drives them. Understanding other people is extremely helpful in carving your own path in life as well as being able to support your friends and family in the right way.

One of the traits of my type "The Campaigner" is a love for self improvement. Reading this in the report made me LOL, probably one of the only times where I can use that abbreviation genuinely. It was as though someone sat me down and explained to me who I was. It felt like I was listening to a mirror image of myself and for one of the few times in my life I felt genuine contentment. If that is difficult to comprehend then you may want to do the test. I can highly recommend the ebook for your specific type. It may seem costly, but it is worth every penny. You also get a 25% discount if you sign up to the newsletter. Visit to take the test.

Wherever you are and whatever you are doing I hope this finds you well.

Are you ok?


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