Monday, 10 April 2017

Being creative

Since returning to work at Apple at the Sydney store I have been reminded how many talented people work there. We are blessed with a cacophony of characters, from musicians to photographers and artists to comedians. Often we don't get to see what their passions are whilst working, so I thought it would be great to talk about. My subsequent podcast aims to highlight what my friends' passions are and see if we can learn from them in order to help our mental health.

Although my aim with The Grumpy Man Podcast it is to get people talking about mental health (in a roundabout way) it is enabling me to get to know the friends I work with. As much as we may enjoy what we do, we have a life away from work, a personal side we don't show to just anyone. That is what I am interested in learning about, to understand what fulfils people, what satiates their appetite for life. It has taken me a bloody long time to realise that what I love to do can help other people and the latter has always been my raison d'ĂȘtre. 

I realised when I was editing the first episode of my podcast how much I was enjoying it. I had an excitement about something that I haven't felt in a long time. It's sad to say but I don't get excited about anything in the way I used to. I feel like those rabbits in the Duracell adverts, the ones that have the "other" brand in them. So when something lifts my spirits I take notice. With that in mind I would love to hear from anyone that would like to contribute to the podcast. I just want people to be themselves and talk about their passions, what makes them say "hell yes!"

I'll leave it there for now as I'm making progress on my book and am determined to get it published before I die. 

Tom :)

"Time is precious, momento mori." - Me.

P.S Episode two of the podcast will be out this friday. Stay tuned to hear Michael continue his talk about what he loves.

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