Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Workouts, youtube videos and technical problems..

Yesterdays workout was simple but effective. I had 15 minutes to train, so it needed to be effective. Here's what I did:

  • x10 push-ups
  • x10 burpees
  • x10 up&downs
15 minutes non-stop. I completed 7 sets, must try harder (and not feel sick) next time.

No equipment was needed, just a good piece of music to listen to. If you don't think you can do it, just reduce the number of reps to 5 and do it for 10 mins, I can guarantee it'll be a great session.

Today thankfully I am not sore, thank goodness for CherryActive! But it has made me realise how easy it is to train with a short amount of time and no kit. So today will be another 15 minute session before I go and run intervals with a client.

I had promised those visiting my youtube site helpful tips and advice as well as routines to try at home. Due to technical issues I have yet to do this, but don't worry it's coming soon. I believe I have sorted my camera problems and will be posting a training plan to try this week, which will require no equipment, so keep an eye on this blog for details.

Tom :)

Monday, 22 February 2010

Full Throttle Conditioning by Ross Enamait

Thanks to a new training manual by Ross Enamait at RossBoxing.com I was sore for 2 days after Friday's session and that was despite the power of CherryActive helping me out!

It's a great book and a simple way to liven up your training. After all it needn't be hard work to think up a program, just hard work doing it!

I am off to try another session, so I'll let you know when I can type again!

T :)

The road ahead

I had been thinking today after a conversation with clients last night and a landmark run by another client yesterday. My thoughts had turned to how we as individuals are motivated and what gives us drive. Don't worry I am not going to go all technical it was just some "food for thought" I guess.

I was thinking about our drive, especially my own, when through the door popped my new training manual. Full Throttle Conditioning by Ross Enamait. It is a truly challenging but fun read and in the second page he summed it up for me,
"knowledge is power, but knowledge without action means little".
I was sat there reading and re-reading that line and thought "time to stop thinking Tom and start acting". So up I got and tested one of the Tabata Hybrid programs in the book. It was 10 mins of hard work, but it felt good. It felt good because I'd taken action and was motivated by those words.

One of my clients last week had spoken about being motivated to work by being around other people. She found (as I do) that when left to our own devices at home we are not as productive or creative compared with when working beside others. It could be the obvious, that we are at work to...work. Home after all is for relaxing, resting, recharging. Or is it something more?

If you look at the situation above from a fitness training angle, you can see similarities. Many people don't do any exercise, they don't have the motivation or simply feel they don't need to train. There are those that try to train by themselves, but often discover barriers after a few weeks that prevent them from doing so (usually lack of time, fatigue or weather). After these people are those that train regularly, it could be anywhere from twice a week to daily training, but they have a routine. These guys and girls are who we aspire to be, but how have they done it? They are the people who have realised their barriers to exercise and their limitations and have overcome them. They are actually ordinary people who run with running groups, go to gym fitness classes and use a personal trainer. They are committed to change, to a lifestyle of health and are the people who need social interaction. They could train by themselves (they have the fitness and ability) but by having an appointment to train with others or a trainer means that there are no excuses. 

We are all human, some are genetically "gifted" while others have to work very hard in order to reach their goals. The obvious thing is that we are motivated in different ways, but for most of us the simple answer is to train with others. Find a group of walkers, runners, join a gym, learn a martial art, take a dance class. Whatever you choose you'll find it easy, enjoyable and productive when you exercise with others.

Just think of an ant colony, like them you are very small and vulnerable alone, but with others you can be mighty, great and achieve unimaginable goals.

Happy training :)


Thursday, 18 February 2010

CherryActive - The Free Radical Terminator

I was introduced to CherryActive at the London Running Show last year and have been using it since to supplement my training diet.

CherryActive is an antioxidant "powerhouse", with a 30 ml shot containing more antioxidants than you'd find in 20 average fruit and veg portions. It is made from Montmorency cherries grown near to Lake Michigan, USA, which are specially selected for their naturally occurring antioxidants.

The antioxidants in CherryActive have been shown to reduce recovery time from intensive training, with reports of reduced inflammation and muscle soreness post exercise. Exercise produces a greater number of free radicals in the body. The damage caused by these free radicals is called Oxidative Stress and could lead to reduced muscle bulk and strength as well as long term health decline. Antioxidants "mop up" these free radicals, thus preventing damage to muscle cells. The high number of antioxidants in CherryActive means a greater number of free radicals will be neutralised following exercise, leading to strength gains as well as long term health and vitality. You can check out the research here

In my personal experience over the last few months I have found the following:

  • Reduced muscle soreness post high intensity training and long runs
  • Feeling good to train 24 hours after intensive exercise (previously I needed longer)
  • No colds over the winter period (November-present) since taking CherryActive

The important thing for me is the ability to run frequently with clients whilst continuing my own training. On the days following hard hill and interval training I have had virtually no muscle soreness and the ability to continue training the next day without problem. As I am training for an Ultra Marathon later in the year this proves to be invaluable as I keep on top of my training plan.

I have found this the most helpful supplement I've ever bought and have great pleasure in telling everyone about it. If you'd like to know more just visit their website at www.cherryactive.co.uk or read up at www.tomalfry.com

Happy Training! :)

Monday, 15 February 2010

Fancy a Ruby Murray?

I have been cooking up a storm in the kitchen recently, but that's what happens if you leave the window open ;)

I decided to share my simple curry recipe as I surprised myself with how easy it was to cook!

Tom's "Lambo" Curry (because it's red hot...)
Feeds 2-3 (or Tom + 1 friend!)


1x red chili
1x garlic clove
1x bunch coriander
2x celery stalk
1x lime
1x red pepper
1x parsnip (large)
1x carrot
1x chinese lettuce
5-600g lamb (organic if poss)
3-4 tsp red curry paste (depending how hot you like it!)
1x 400ml tin of coconut milk
1-1.5 cups of quinoa

How to do it

Visit www.tomtheamazingchef.com and follow the directions. ONLY KIDDING! Here's how...

1. Chop parsnip and carrot into large cubes and boil for approximately 8-10 mins or part boiled (not soft)
2. Chop the chili, garlic and coriander. Heat a little toasted sesame oil in a pan (good for flavour) and fry the garlic and chili for 2-3 mins.
3. Chop the lamb into cubes and add to chili and garlic fry on medium heat for 5 mins, turning intermittently.
4. Cut 2 slices of lime add to pan. Squeeze a little of remaining lime into pan, stir in.
5. Drain parsnip and add to pan, stirring in.
6. Add 3-4 tsp of red curry paste to the mix, stir in.
7. Add coconut milk and mix in, stirring regularly.
8. Simmer on low-medium heat for 8-10 mins, to cook lamb through and thicken sauce. Test lamb periodically to get your meat perfect!

Serve with basmati rice or quinoa for a healthy change from white rice.

Happy eating! :)

Friday, 12 February 2010

Can you push 100?

100 push-ups. Or press-ups, depending on what takes your fancy, same difference. Can you do 100 in one go?

I can......'t. But I'd like to. It's a man's thing isn't it? Like asking your gym mates how much they can bench. When they reply that they don't "do" the gym what do big men like ourselves turn to? Why the press/push-up! Of course this is where we men drop to the floor and attempt in often strange worm-like fashion to perform as many push-ups as possible, as though our lives depended on it.

Fit men can perform 40 push-ups in one go..FACT! Well it is fact according to Mens Health Magazine, 1995. (Please don't quote me on that) It's a reasonable number, it shows good core strength and stamina in your deltoids, pecs and triceps. Ok so most of us may not be at that number, maybe more like 15, 20, 25? So how do we improve? Well here's how..

According to my mate Geoff http://hundredpushups.com/ is how you do it. It asks you to test yourself, by performing as many push-ups as possible without rest. Then you must compare this number to the table provided in order to find your current level and thus the suitable 3 day a week program.

It may not be scientific, it may not be pretty (if you are a push-up worm) but it's SIMPLE, EFFECTIVE AND EASY...FACT!

So drop down and give me 12, then 10, 7 and a final 6...or just follow the program above.

Happy pushing! :)

BBC News at Ten features Help for Heroes work

I was pleasantly surprised to see BBC News at Ten feature the project that I am helping raise money for. If you missed it take a look at BBC iPlayer here and move it forwards to 5:29 where the report starts.

Help for Heroes along with The Royal British Legion are raising around £40 million to set up Personnel Recovery Centres where injured soldiers will be rehabilitated to help them continue a normal life as a civilian. This rehab is in addition to the rehab their already receive and is intended to help them take on civilian jobs once their military career has ended.

To find out more visit www.helpforheroes.org.uk/ or http://www.britishlegion.org.uk/ for more information on what these charities are doing.

If you'd like to donate to my charity event, raising money for Help for Heroes, then visit my justgiving page.

Tom :)

Saturday, 6 February 2010

Twitter is online!

I am now on Twitter. I have avoided it for so long, but it is ridiculously handy! I hadn't realised how simple it is to tell all of you about news, articles and events as well as offer up regular tips and advice while I'm on the move. So feel free to follow me at www.twitter.com/tomthesloth

Back to Nature fitness events is also now on Twitter to enable us to update you quickly and effectively about all new days coming up. Follow us at www.twitter.com/b2nfun

Tom :)

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

The Vibrams are out!

I am about to don my Vibram Five Fingers for a little speed session with one of my clients this afternoon. For all those that don't know Vibrams are barefoot running shoes. They are basically a comfy rubber coating for your feet when running without shoes.

Today's session will be 800m intervals so there will be a good amount of time to test them out. I still hope to complete a half marathon in them this year, but as always it's slowly, slowly..

I am hoping that incorporating barefoot into my training will help strengthen the lower leg muscles for the off roading I will be doing on my West Country Shuffle in the summer. You can find out about that by reading the posts below or visiting my website

Happy running! :)