Monday, 22 February 2010

The road ahead

I had been thinking today after a conversation with clients last night and a landmark run by another client yesterday. My thoughts had turned to how we as individuals are motivated and what gives us drive. Don't worry I am not going to go all technical it was just some "food for thought" I guess.

I was thinking about our drive, especially my own, when through the door popped my new training manual. Full Throttle Conditioning by Ross Enamait. It is a truly challenging but fun read and in the second page he summed it up for me,
"knowledge is power, but knowledge without action means little".
I was sat there reading and re-reading that line and thought "time to stop thinking Tom and start acting". So up I got and tested one of the Tabata Hybrid programs in the book. It was 10 mins of hard work, but it felt good. It felt good because I'd taken action and was motivated by those words.

One of my clients last week had spoken about being motivated to work by being around other people. She found (as I do) that when left to our own devices at home we are not as productive or creative compared with when working beside others. It could be the obvious, that we are at work Home after all is for relaxing, resting, recharging. Or is it something more?

If you look at the situation above from a fitness training angle, you can see similarities. Many people don't do any exercise, they don't have the motivation or simply feel they don't need to train. There are those that try to train by themselves, but often discover barriers after a few weeks that prevent them from doing so (usually lack of time, fatigue or weather). After these people are those that train regularly, it could be anywhere from twice a week to daily training, but they have a routine. These guys and girls are who we aspire to be, but how have they done it? They are the people who have realised their barriers to exercise and their limitations and have overcome them. They are actually ordinary people who run with running groups, go to gym fitness classes and use a personal trainer. They are committed to change, to a lifestyle of health and are the people who need social interaction. They could train by themselves (they have the fitness and ability) but by having an appointment to train with others or a trainer means that there are no excuses. 

We are all human, some are genetically "gifted" while others have to work very hard in order to reach their goals. The obvious thing is that we are motivated in different ways, but for most of us the simple answer is to train with others. Find a group of walkers, runners, join a gym, learn a martial art, take a dance class. Whatever you choose you'll find it easy, enjoyable and productive when you exercise with others.

Just think of an ant colony, like them you are very small and vulnerable alone, but with others you can be mighty, great and achieve unimaginable goals.

Happy training :)


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