Even before this week and the tragic events that have occurred here in Sydney and in Pakistan, I have been working on staying present. A lot of the time I will think too much and worry too much about the future. I generally don't live in the past (thank god), so at least that is not a problem area.
As always I have been reading a great deal but until now haven't read "The Power of Now". I don't generally think it is rocket science, but it helps to motivate me further to focus on the present moment, enjoy the time I have now and not worry about things out of my control. The key thing is to focus completely on what I am doing in that moment, whether that experience be good or bad. I certainly am feeling better for it and am positive about what I am doing right now.
Using my focus on being present has helped with my training of late, as I've been having some great strength training sessions in the gym. Even more surprising is that I've been consistent with training and enjoyed it. One of the things helping with that is the Gym Here Pro app, which helps me track my progress and see how I am improving. It is worth a look if you train regularly with weights.
Christmas is fast approaching now and I have been as organised as most years, I've done nothing. Tomorrow I have the day off, so I hope to get some Christmas decorations up and do all my Chrimbo shopping in the space of a couple of hours. This will all be achieved after I have done my strength session of course. What a way to start the day off! After I've done that I will be meeting Catherine (post ocean swim training) at our local cafe Sorelle in order to enjoy one more brekkie drink before they close the cafe for holidays. Then we will be off to my mate Jamie's for Christmas carols (and beers). I think I said this was my day off? Then it'll be four days of work before I have Christmas day off. It's certainly not what I'd be doing back in England!
I don't think there is much else to report right now, but I will update you all soon. If you don't check in before Christmas I wish you a very merry Christmas wherever you are in the world. I'll be raising a cold beer and a sausage sarnie to you on Christmas day!
Tom :)