Wednesday, 3 December 2014


So my first update is here since I made a promise to myself to do more with my time. Like a donkey running the Melbourne Cup/Grand National I have fallen at the first fence. 

This hiccup occurred by me snoozing my first 5am alarm. I did still get to the gym for 630am and got my training in before work, so not all was lost. Day two saw a strange thing happen, I snoozed my 5am alarm. Clearly this challenge may take a little time to come to fruition. Regardless of my reluctance to get up with the birds (they are bloody noisy) I still got my gym training in and cooked before heading off to work.

So day three is tomorrow and I am now free all day. I was expecting to work with Steve doing some labouring or carpenteering, but his plans have fallen through. This means my plans for creating time early in the day are not so desperate this week as I will have a full 8 hours for writing and planning. Hopefully I can finish off my first short story and get my other projects on track.

Training for Catherine and myself is going well. Whilst Catherine trains for her 1km open water swim in January (amongst other things), I am training for strength. This is mainly because it is too bloody hot to run in the summer, nobody wants to see an Englishman melt! Having said that we will both resume regular running options in January to train for the next marathon because I want to run a sub 3hr 30 time. No rest for the wicked!

I had better get off because I need to plan Catherine's birthday present. I'll probably not be up at 5am tomorrow, but will aim for an early start in order to do the gym before I get cracking on the writing.

Until then ladies and gentlemen,

Tom :)

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