Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Wheels on fire

I feel like I haven't written in ages, but it has only been five days since my last confessional. In that time I have achieved a great deal in taking the action I spoke about in my last post Ready Set Action. I have also had time off over the weekend, time in which I haven't felt rushed, nor felt like I've needed to be somewhere. That is because I've been acting, not thinking! For the first time in ages I feel excited about work, content about my direction and happy during my free time.

It's wheely good
After my last post I took some advice from my brother Rich who is qualified in Neuro Lingustic Programming (NLP). I'll let you learn about NLP for yourself, but it is something that I have started to use alongside meditation to literally help change my mind. Knowing what Rich knows I listened to what he had to say and thus learnt about the Wheel of Life.

My bro sent me the image to your right and explained how it works. To understand it check out this at the end of the post (don't leave me!) - Wheely helpful link. 

I completed the instructions Rich gave me and it identified four key areas that I need to work on. The results fitted perfectly with my previous post about action, which was reassuring. Sometimes it is obvious what you need to work on, but often you have to ask yourself objective questions rather than "think" what might need work. That's where tools like the Wheel of Life and NLP are invaluable for ensuring you progress and don't just "talk a good game".
Romance and fun all in one place :)

I've found that I need to work on my career, family and friends, romance and fun. Whatever you might think you know about me, or see from the outside I can assure you that I am far from perfect. I am not searching for perfection or happiness anymore, merely to improve on what I can be. To be a better man. Since last year when I had my little brain implosion I have been working on changing my mind, creating new habits and finding tools to deal with the bad, learn and move on stronger. I am now seeing the results after months of work and I like where I am headed.

Don't think about where you want to be too long, just get out and take action.

Tom :)


  1. Don't forget you have to reward yourself when you compete each action. It's an important part of the process.

    1. Cheers bro. I haven't had a chance to think about the rewards, I'll get onto that later.
