Saturday, 14 January 2017

Making life simple

Over a year ago I set out with a simple goal. To reach a place where my mind was calm and I was contented. That might be two goals actually, but let's not split hairs. After a liberal dose of meditation, a dash of new habits and a whole meaty chunk of acceptance I feel I am close to that goal.

One of my aims from my book was to start making life more simple and straight forward. That means reducing the use of social media, cutting out bad/dead relationships and focusing what I can act on each day. It transpires that when you do the simple things that you love (like ride a bike or read) regularly you can dramatically change your mind's state. It's a long held belief that a healthy body means a healthy mind, something I have seen as a personal trainer over the years. Sometimes it can be the simple forms of play, time spent with friends or just watching the world go by that reset our brains. Rather than drowning in our troubles, stresses and worries we can choose to do the things we enjoy and take a moment away from thinking. In doing this we can balance out the shit in our lives which we choose to hold onto and exaggerate in our heads. I am not saying avoid the problem but rather take the time to enjoy, because when you return to those problems you'll either solve the riddle or accept them as they are, problems not physical monsters. Unless you are Harry Potter and actually have to fight physical monsters, in which case, fair play.

Look I am no bloody expert, I certainly have no fancy degree nor yogi status. But I have been in some fucked up mental places in this short life and having come out the other side I can relate to what those suffering feel. I think that in today's society it is insane that suicide rates are growing. I say that with the irony that even I contemplated it through my twenties. It is crazy because we have the technology and knowledge to help ourselves and each other a thousand times over. Yet we live our lives further apart than ever before, we have lost our communities and the simplest acts of helping each other. Lord knows that we can help ourselves, yet we revel in our misery in a masochistic way without seeking help. For change to happen we have to change ourselves and be there for others that want to change too. I hope that in some small way this blog tells those people that I am here for you.

There are no secrets to a calm and contented life, it's been around since we were pooing on the African savannah and chasing animals for a meal. So will you make your life simple? Will you choose simplicity or be a slave to the drama, the darkness of your mind and the bullshit of the modern world? I know that is what I want.

For now rant over,

Tom :)

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