I've been trying to follow the Metabolic Typing Diet for the last few weeks with varying degrees of success.
Working as a personal trainer means that your day is usually a long and active one. For me it means being on the go from 6am and getting back after 8pm. I enjoy being active and though I sometimes wish I worked 9-5, I have a great job and balance to life. The downside is being unable to cook proper meals to benefit my body in the best way, meaning I have to be really organised or really careful with my food. Two things that can be surprisingly difficult for me!
I have had to avoid caffeine, sugar and wheat as part of my metabolic typing diet. When it comes to breakfast this means the easily transportable British staple of cereal is a no no. Added to that I can't have a cheeky coffee from the burgeoning cafe industry that lines London's streets. Nor can I have any number of French pastries that line the bakery shelves at that big name supermarket we all rely on. Instead I eat a selection of fruit and a protein shake. When I'm lucky enough to be at home it's a trio of poached eggs on wheat free bread.
Is it difficult? No. It's surprisingly easy. With a little self control and a good understanding of what foods I do well on I am thriving. I have less dips in my energy and less crazy highs, I have less depressive periods and more positive, clear thinking. I also have a greater desire to do it properly as I can feel the benefits so quickly. Avoiding wheat leaves me less bloated. Less sugar and processed foods means I am clear minded and less scatty. Less (I'm working towards nil) caffeine means I'm not bouncing off the Walls before crashing.
The only downside is that I can't have certain foods I love because they don't "balance" my metabolic type. Coffee is one. Broccoli is another. Peppers a third. These foods are just a few that can upset the balance in my body, through their acidic nature or the stimulating effect on already overactive systems in my body. However this is a small concession when there are many, many other great foods I can eat and in plentiful supply. It's just a question of expanding my knowledge of foods and applying them to the cooking that I enjoy creating.
So, today my feeling is not one of superiority, but rather a leaning towards positive, affirmed action, trial and error and learning. Through years of abuse through fitness and diet my body has pulled through. Now it's time to put the super back into food and keep on the metabolic path.
Tom :-)
For more information on the metabolic typing diet visit www.
Or contact me for information.
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