Tuesday, 28 June 2011

A step in the right direction

Over the last few weeks I have been participating in the Global Corporate Challenge (GCC). The aim is to empower people to take exercise, through walking, cycling and swimming.

Each day I record my steps and enter them online as part of the team that I am in. Together our goal is to be the most active in the world. However we are currently sitting at 10,315th.

The reason I bring this challenge up is that I have been surprised how easy it is to be active. Maybe not on a level like mine (ahem!) But rather how simple it can be to burn more calories each day and have a positive impact on our health.

My perfect example is G one of our security team at Cadbury House. Before the GCC even began he started to walk to work, using a pedometer to count his steps. His job isn't the most active, so he started to walk into work every shift. Gradually he lost weight and we approved of his reduction in belt holes. G then turned to his diet and after educating himself with documentaries and research he changed his eating habits.

Just last week he told me about another documentary that had opened his eyes to the dangers of Diabetes. G then proceeded to put me to shame by showing me what he was eating. He'd brought in a wholegrain sandwich, organic meat, monkey nuts, fruit and a new bottle of Evian!

The result of G's exercise and diet was not only weight loss, but an improvement in how he feels. He has taken "the bull by the horns" and developed his knowledge of fitness and nutrition in order to help himself.

Often in personal training the hardest thing to do is enable people to help themselves. Without my help G has triumphed in positively moving forwards and taking action. If more of us could take steps each day and educate ourselves then we would be happier, healthier people.

Tom :-)

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