Saturday, 4 June 2011

To eat or not to eat

I was thinking just the other day (careful Tom) how we can be reckless with life. Not necessarily other people's lives (I'll leave the Arab uprising for a different blog), but our own existence.

I thought it funny how we can recycle with the efficiency of a military unit, but when it comes to our health and lifestyle we lack organisation and commitment.

If you were to look at how you react to food from a third person perspective what would you see?

For me personally food is my energy, my mood changer, my comforter and my training essential. I relish food (often too much) and my attitude towards it can be unhealthy. I often think along the lines of "well it's just one treat, I deserve it". When I am moving like a sloth we'll know my eating habits weren't right!

We often live in two worlds. The first is the "right now" where we live for the moment, eat with a carefree attitude and do what we enjoy most without committing to a particular path. The other is the "future" where we recycle to save the planet, buy organic eggs and worry about our pension pots. Now neither is necessarily bad, but we often are mixed up in prioritising which is best for our health. It's true that we should live for the present, our futures are as unpredictable as London transport. But we should have a couple of toes in the future world and think how our nutrition and fitness choices will affect our health in the short, medium and long term.

The trouble with living in the "right now" is that we could live to the age of 100. If you've eaten like you'll always be 25 then it'll be a painful existence. If you choose to live just for the future then you'll lead a plain and uneventful life.

Striking a balance is the hardest part, but balance we must. Before you next eat or train, just take the time to see how it will affect your health in the future. For that day make your choice a positive one and take each day as a new one, little by little is always the best way.

- Tom


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