There are many benefits to be gained from prenatal exercise for mum and baby. Being fit and healthy can help:
• To cope with the pressures of pregnancy
• To make birth easier
• To return to fitness quicker after giving birth
Some important guidelines
These guidelines can be extended and I would advise that you seek the help of a trained fitness professional before starting a pregnancy fitness program.
1. Avoid lying on your back. As your baby grows its weight will put more and more pressure on the blood vessels returning blood to the heart. You should avoid exercises on your back so as not to become dizzy or feint.
Try this instead: Seated chest press and rows are good alternatives. Plus plank exercises are great for strengthening pelvic floor and core.
2. Avoid vigorous arm exercises. These exercises can raise your blood pressure and take blood into the extremities making you feel dizzy. Avoid these exercises to avoid feinting.
Try this instead: Slow controlled arm exercises are great for maintaining strength and tone. Yoga is great for muscle tone, flexibility and controlled breathing; just tell the instructor that you are pregnant as some exercises won’t be suitable.
3. Start up, finish down. Begin your workout with standing exercises, as you become more fatigued move onto seated exercises to ensure you don’t feint.
Try this instead: Gyms have many seated machines which are ideal for taking the weight off your feet. Alternatively try using the stability ball, to help work your posture at the same time.
4. Avoid overhead exercises. The first 12 weeks can be a dizzy time for expectant mothers. Overhead exercises can increase the likelihood of dizziness and should be avoided.
Try this instead: Go for seated lateral raises on a stability ball instead of shoulder presses. Or seated row instead of lat pulldown
5. Don’t try new things. If you didn’t run regularly (2-3 times a week) before your pregnancy, now is not the time to start. Hormones released to relax your muscles and ligaments can cause laxity at the joint. Trying something new and unexpected could lead to an injury. If you ran before then carry on, just reduce the intensity, avoid speed and hill work and stay on even surfaces.
Try: Yoga, swimming, stationery bike and walking are great for getting your heart rate up in a controlled and gradual way. Don’t over exert, just keep everything steady.
6. Drink plenty. Water is especially important when you are exercising, even more so when you are pregnant. Keep a bottle of water with you to drink little and often as you train to ensure you avoid dehydration.
Try this: A 500ml bottle is good for an hour training.
Sample Programs
These programs are to be used for guidance only and show what you can expect in the different trimesters. As I said before it’s best to get a helping hand from a fitness professional, qualified in prenatal exercise.
First Trimester
10 mins of cardio. Walking is ideal.
(Rest 60secs between each set)
2-3 sets of 10-15 reps with light weights.
1. Bent over row (with dumbbells)
2. Squats with dumbbells
3. Stability ball seated row
4. Upright row with dumbbells
5. Tricep chair dips
6. Stability ball bicep curls
7. Plank
8. opposite arm and leg raise (toe touches floor)
9. 4 point draw-ins
Cool Down
10 mins recline bike/slow walk
Second Trimester
10-12 mins
1. Small step-ups (perhaps on stairs)
2. Stability wall squats
3. Seated cable/band row on stability ball
4. Seated lateral raise on stability ball
5. Seated bicep curls
6. Seated tricep extensions
7. ¾ plank
8. 4 point arm then leg lift
9. seated draw ins
Third Trimester
Slow, easy bike warm-up or light walk 10-12 mins
1. Stability ball walk squats
2. Seated rows
3. Seated lateral raises
4. Seated tricep extensions
5. seated bicep curls
6. Seated draw ins
7. Seated hip circles (on stability ball)
Cool Down
10 mins light cycling or walking
As you can see this is a simple progression of a program and is not set in stone. Each pregnant client is different and exercises have to be assessed with each session as to their relevance and difficulty for the client. Pregnancy exercise is not about developing fitness, rather maintaining heart health, good muscle condition and a positive mind. If you can use exercise to achieve all these things through your pregnancy then it may help in returning you to full fitness after birth.
Finally if you need any help or have any questions please feel free to contact me at and find a great trainer who’ll look after your fitness needs.
Happy training,
Tom :)
Wednesday, 7 July 2010
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
Work, rest and play...
This was the slogan of a lovely little chocolate bar (sorry...hmm chocolate) which has been in the UK for years. It is also the title of this blog and bears no relation to eating chocolate. So if you are hopeful for something sweet then you are in the wrong place..sorry.
I bumped into a trainer friend of mine the other day on Kensington High Street. We got chatting about training and keeping motivated when your life is fitness. The resultant conclusion was that we need to achieve, rest and recover.
As my Twitter name suggests (@tomthesloth) I am a bit lazy. I do struggle to get motivated to train. I'd much rather relax, read or eat than put the mileage into my training. This never boads well for an Ultra marathon! However when I do train, I'm able to appreciate the time when I don't that bit more, to know that even though I'm being lazy it is actually helping repair and recover my body for the next challenge. When I get to an event I am relaxed, knowing that I have not overtrained (no chance of that!) and am ready for whatever is thrown my way. I achieve because I take a little and often approach to my training.
Most people begin a fitness routine with aspirations of being a supermodel. They believe that the 3 times a week that they will visit the gym (when work, family and social life allows) will transform them, from average Joe or Phyllis into a fit Hugh Jackman or Heidi Klum. For some this pipe dream may become reality. But it would take a merciful diet and 3 savage training sessions to have this transformational effect. The intensity of this program and recovery needed would probably demotivate most mortals and send them back to the unhealthy lives they were trying to escape in the first place.
So what am I getting at here?
Well a more realistic approach would be a starting place. Set yourself a goal then halve it and achieve that. Want to run a marathon? Aim for a half marathon or better still, a 10k. Rather than demotivating yourself because you can't get to the gym, just do 15 minutes at home before work, then it's done and you can rest, recover.
Exercise is by no means rocket science, there's plenty of information out there for us to absorb. As long as we acquire good information the obstacle is ourselves, our barriers to success our eagerness to fail.
So don't fail, don't build barriers, just begin a habit today of 5 minutes of exercise. Pat yourself on the back when you achieve it everyday for 2 weeks, then think about your next goal.
Little and often can be the key to success, don't run before you can walk, because often you'll stumble and fall flat on your face.
T :)
Here are some guidelines:
Rather than attempting an hour session or even half an hour, just take little steps - Do 5 minutes exercise every morning. (it could be a brisk walk, climbing the stairs or barefoot run)
Give yourself something attainable and achieve. Don't run before you can walk. Use your stairs and climb them up and down for 5 mins, pick up a kid and swing them round (borrow one if you don't have your own, just ask first) or get to the park and do 20 jumping jacks at each bench you find.
Find ways to walk, climb stairs, cycle, play with your kids whenever possible. You'll burn more energy everyday = a fitter, slimmer you.
Try. Try new activities to enjoy exercise. Salsa, dancing on a saturday night (minus the booze), footie with mates, frisbee with the dog (run after the dog), skipping.
Don't be afraid to rest, but make sure in your heart, mind and soul that you've earnt it, bottom line don't be a lazy sausage!
Your mission before my next blog is to do 5 minutes activity a day, everyday. Enjoy it and record it. Use to help track your progress.
This activity must be something that raises your heart rate, gets you out of breath (not dying) and makes you sweat a little. It must be something you don't normally do.
Feel free to let me know how you get on,
Tom :)
Wednesday, 16 June 2010
Barefoot Running
There was a time long ago, a time before man and woman knew what polyurethane or liquid silicone was, let alone that it would present itself in a "running shoe".
Our ancestors are likely to have run barefoot or worn a thin covering to protect their feet from sharp objects. If they were hunters they would've run a lot (unless they were clever) and the gatherers would've covered miles walking in search of fruits, seeds and plants. Unfortunately we can't ask if they got shin splints, developed ITB problems or suffered with Plantar Fascitis!
It's an assumption (probably a fair one) that if they weren't eaten by a wild animal, they would adapt to their surroundings, active lifestyle and the need to survive pretty quickly. You could consider our ancestors to be the first athletes. When they weren't hunting they'd be re-fuelling, recovering and interacting (in simple/primal ways) with each other. Something we all lack at times in today's world.
So why the anthropology lesson?
Well we are somewhat different from our ancestors. We no longer hunt, gather, rest, re-fuel or interact (I'm blogging this for example) in the same way. Our jobs prevent us from being active throughout the day (unless you are a trainer like me :)) and we are conditioned to eat at set times. As a result our bodies and biomechanics have changed.
We are told (correctly for some) that we need this shoe or that supplement to make us work 100%. We pay good money to be better without changing what is fundamentally the cause of our problems, our lifestyle.
If we changed how we sat, walked, ran, ate, rested or interacted it would have a dramatic impact on our bodies and our lives. Would we have need for expensive shoes and supplements if we focused on the ground up?
Everything we do should be done with care, slowly and with thought as to how it will affect us. But we should at least try. We should try to walk then run barefoot, try to eat with our health in mind, try sleeping less in the summer (enjoy those daylight hours) and see how it improves our lives.
This is just a suggestion from someone who is a tryer, can be trying, but always gives things a try :)
Go on just try.....
Barefoot run and walk for Beginners
Every others day head for a green space (it needn't be large), take your socks and shoes off (check for broken glass) and follow this simple session below. The aim is to take in what your feet feel, absorb your surroundings and enjoy the feeling of being 20 years younger!
5 mins total every other day.
Slow run with small strides for 1 minute, walk for 1 minute.
think about remaining upright, feet under your body with small strides, relaxed arms.
Build the time gradually, ensuring you stretch your legs; calves and achilles in particular after you've run.
Increase by 60 seconds per week. Forget about ramping up the time and remember what it was like to run as a kid; relax, run free, absorb everything!
Above all enjoy running for the good feeling not the challenge of more, more, more and SMILE :)
T :)
Our ancestors are likely to have run barefoot or worn a thin covering to protect their feet from sharp objects. If they were hunters they would've run a lot (unless they were clever) and the gatherers would've covered miles walking in search of fruits, seeds and plants. Unfortunately we can't ask if they got shin splints, developed ITB problems or suffered with Plantar Fascitis!
It's an assumption (probably a fair one) that if they weren't eaten by a wild animal, they would adapt to their surroundings, active lifestyle and the need to survive pretty quickly. You could consider our ancestors to be the first athletes. When they weren't hunting they'd be re-fuelling, recovering and interacting (in simple/primal ways) with each other. Something we all lack at times in today's world.
So why the anthropology lesson?
Well we are somewhat different from our ancestors. We no longer hunt, gather, rest, re-fuel or interact (I'm blogging this for example) in the same way. Our jobs prevent us from being active throughout the day (unless you are a trainer like me :)) and we are conditioned to eat at set times. As a result our bodies and biomechanics have changed.
We are told (correctly for some) that we need this shoe or that supplement to make us work 100%. We pay good money to be better without changing what is fundamentally the cause of our problems, our lifestyle.
If we changed how we sat, walked, ran, ate, rested or interacted it would have a dramatic impact on our bodies and our lives. Would we have need for expensive shoes and supplements if we focused on the ground up?
Everything we do should be done with care, slowly and with thought as to how it will affect us. But we should at least try. We should try to walk then run barefoot, try to eat with our health in mind, try sleeping less in the summer (enjoy those daylight hours) and see how it improves our lives.
This is just a suggestion from someone who is a tryer, can be trying, but always gives things a try :)
Go on just try.....
Barefoot run and walk for Beginners
Every others day head for a green space (it needn't be large), take your socks and shoes off (check for broken glass) and follow this simple session below. The aim is to take in what your feet feel, absorb your surroundings and enjoy the feeling of being 20 years younger!
5 mins total every other day.
Slow run with small strides for 1 minute, walk for 1 minute.
think about remaining upright, feet under your body with small strides, relaxed arms.
Build the time gradually, ensuring you stretch your legs; calves and achilles in particular after you've run.
Increase by 60 seconds per week. Forget about ramping up the time and remember what it was like to run as a kid; relax, run free, absorb everything!
Above all enjoy running for the good feeling not the challenge of more, more, more and SMILE :)
T :)
Thursday, 10 June 2010
Good morning exercises
It's been awhile since my last confession, I mean blog. So I wanted to start off my return to blogging with 5 morning exercises. They are simple mobility and dynamic stretching exercises to awaken the muscles and joints in a friendly way. Also perfect before a run to loosen everything up. If you need a video see where you'll find this as a video.
Try 60 seconds per exercise. Perform one set of each exercise then repeat 3 times.
1) Hula Hips - Stand feet shoulder width apart. Slowly circle hips clockwise, starting small and gradually building to larger circles. Change direction at 30 seconds. (This loosens lumbar spine and hip joints)
2) Shoulder Rolls - Bring arms up to shoulder height. Slowly circle arms forwards, starting with small circles and gradually building to large circles. After 30 seconds change direction, circling backwards from large circles to small circles.
3) Pec Dyno - Bring arms across your body as though trying to hug yourself then open arms out to make a T shape with your body. Bring arms back across body, then out again. Starting off slow and gradually building speed. Don't force arms back, but keep relaxed to open chest and warm arms.
4) Squat Reach - Feet a little wider than shoulder width. Squat down, bum back and back straight. Stand up reaching arms up to ceiling as you do so, all the way up onto the toes, then lower back down into the squat and repeat. Focus on control and reaching that stretch up to the ceiling.
5) Shadow Box - Yes that's right! You'd be surprised how boxing can help control your anger and focus your mind. Don't worry you don't need the bag...yet! Stand slightly side on in front of a mirror with elbows tucked into your sides and fists "guarding" your face. Slowly extend your left (if your are right handed) fist out knuckles facing the ceiling. Don't lock the arm fully just 95%. Bring back into guard position and repeat with the right. Gradually speed the arms up keeping them relaxed, not tense.
If you are not sure about any of these exercises please visit for videos of the above exercises.
Remember: start slowly, gradually speed up. These are warm-up exercises, so treat your body kind and it'll like you back :)
Try 60 seconds per exercise. Perform one set of each exercise then repeat 3 times.
1) Hula Hips - Stand feet shoulder width apart. Slowly circle hips clockwise, starting small and gradually building to larger circles. Change direction at 30 seconds. (This loosens lumbar spine and hip joints)
2) Shoulder Rolls - Bring arms up to shoulder height. Slowly circle arms forwards, starting with small circles and gradually building to large circles. After 30 seconds change direction, circling backwards from large circles to small circles.
3) Pec Dyno - Bring arms across your body as though trying to hug yourself then open arms out to make a T shape with your body. Bring arms back across body, then out again. Starting off slow and gradually building speed. Don't force arms back, but keep relaxed to open chest and warm arms.
4) Squat Reach - Feet a little wider than shoulder width. Squat down, bum back and back straight. Stand up reaching arms up to ceiling as you do so, all the way up onto the toes, then lower back down into the squat and repeat. Focus on control and reaching that stretch up to the ceiling.
5) Shadow Box - Yes that's right! You'd be surprised how boxing can help control your anger and focus your mind. Don't worry you don't need the bag...yet! Stand slightly side on in front of a mirror with elbows tucked into your sides and fists "guarding" your face. Slowly extend your left (if your are right handed) fist out knuckles facing the ceiling. Don't lock the arm fully just 95%. Bring back into guard position and repeat with the right. Gradually speed the arms up keeping them relaxed, not tense.
If you are not sure about any of these exercises please visit for videos of the above exercises.
Remember: start slowly, gradually speed up. These are warm-up exercises, so treat your body kind and it'll like you back :)
Tuesday, 11 May 2010
News update
It's been some time since I "blogged" so I wanted to get on here and say hi.
Since I last updated training has progressed for our charity event in June and we are happily ticking off the miles past 20 now. We are still to get our fancy dress outfits, mainly because we can't decide between running as a steak and egg or dressing in wartime uniforms, the latter being more relevant to our cause (H4H). Needless to say there will be photos up here when we get them and throughout the event!
My youtube page is taking a little more shape now as I have figured out how to work my new webcam. If you visit you can see the videos up so far. There will be more free content to come with the hope that more people can get involved in exercise wherever they are, whatever their level.
Back to Nature Fitness Events (B2N) are moving along nicely this year, with our busiest year to date. Our next event is on June 19th and 20th. You can choose between a day of mountain biking in the new forest or kayaking on the beaulieu river with forest orienteering. If you fancy a getaway then you can join us for both days, with dinner and fantastic country bed and breakfast accommodation provided. Feel free to email me if you have any questions.
The final update is on a new project that I am hoping to set up with a good friend of mine. As yet we are loosely naming it "Reddo" (I'll leave you to figure that out) and it will be a new Social Enterprise. The plan is to set up a community based project with the aim to:
Since I last updated training has progressed for our charity event in June and we are happily ticking off the miles past 20 now. We are still to get our fancy dress outfits, mainly because we can't decide between running as a steak and egg or dressing in wartime uniforms, the latter being more relevant to our cause (H4H). Needless to say there will be photos up here when we get them and throughout the event!
My youtube page is taking a little more shape now as I have figured out how to work my new webcam. If you visit you can see the videos up so far. There will be more free content to come with the hope that more people can get involved in exercise wherever they are, whatever their level.
Back to Nature Fitness Events (B2N) are moving along nicely this year, with our busiest year to date. Our next event is on June 19th and 20th. You can choose between a day of mountain biking in the new forest or kayaking on the beaulieu river with forest orienteering. If you fancy a getaway then you can join us for both days, with dinner and fantastic country bed and breakfast accommodation provided. Feel free to email me if you have any questions.
The final update is on a new project that I am hoping to set up with a good friend of mine. As yet we are loosely naming it "Reddo" (I'll leave you to figure that out) and it will be a new Social Enterprise. The plan is to set up a community based project with the aim to:
"improve physical and mental health and wellbeing through a holistic, natural and social approach".
That covers a lot of areas but in essence it is about giving back to the community in the hope of developing people's lives for the better using fitness, nutrition, education and social cohesion to name a few.
We'll keep you updated on "Reddo".
Happy training!
T :)
Thursday, 8 April 2010
Has spring arrived?
Thankfully I had to wait for a delivery today, so I got to enjoy the weather out on the deck. Well actually by deck I mean garden and it faces East so I was actually enjoying the shade. However it didn't matter where I was because I was outside and realising that Spring may well have arrived (touching wood), bringing with it a break from S.A.D and gloominess.
This arrival of Spring has also made me realise that every man, woman and their dogs will be out running, jumping and wheeling through London. For this I thought I'd offer some basic, but sound advice.
1) Don't wear lycra suits. This is for all the men that may think it acceptable to wear lycra shorts with lycra tops, whilst not competing for an Olympic event. You won't gain the speed you think. You need to lose weight and get fitter, that'll drop your 10k time.
2) Start Gradually. On a more serious note here. Don't do a T J Alfry and start running 35+ miles a week after having been on holiday drinking and eating for 2 weeks. It's not clever and it'll probably get you injured. Keep it small (20-30mins) and spend half that time stretching afterwards, you're muscles will thank you for it.
3) Keep it up. Many men will know this problem. They start something adventurous and exciting, feeling empowered and positive, but soon get tired, frustrated and feel like they've failed. Yes that's right, when you start training, you need to "keep it up", "little and often" is a good way of developing a habit that is achievable and gets the results you want. ;)
Ok that's all the wisdom I have for today. My Yoda like self will "back be soon I will".
So until then,
Happy Training :) T
This arrival of Spring has also made me realise that every man, woman and their dogs will be out running, jumping and wheeling through London. For this I thought I'd offer some basic, but sound advice.
1) Don't wear lycra suits. This is for all the men that may think it acceptable to wear lycra shorts with lycra tops, whilst not competing for an Olympic event. You won't gain the speed you think. You need to lose weight and get fitter, that'll drop your 10k time.
2) Start Gradually. On a more serious note here. Don't do a T J Alfry and start running 35+ miles a week after having been on holiday drinking and eating for 2 weeks. It's not clever and it'll probably get you injured. Keep it small (20-30mins) and spend half that time stretching afterwards, you're muscles will thank you for it.
3) Keep it up. Many men will know this problem. They start something adventurous and exciting, feeling empowered and positive, but soon get tired, frustrated and feel like they've failed. Yes that's right, when you start training, you need to "keep it up", "little and often" is a good way of developing a habit that is achievable and gets the results you want. ;)
Ok that's all the wisdom I have for today. My Yoda like self will "back be soon I will".
So until then,
Happy Training :) T
Friday, 26 March 2010
Back from the USA and feeling the effects..
I returned from holiday today and am happy to be back. There's only so long you can go without a proper amount of fruit and veggies and fibre. I really don't know how Floridians do it. Or maybe that's it, they don't! There were far too many large people in OAP scooters for my liking..
Anyway I am back and I return energised and ready for action!
I spoke to my mate Roly today and signed up to his Healthtext service in order to get back on track and so that I can tell you how well it works! Check it out for some simple, effective reminders.
I am back into training after a "small" rest and am raring to hit the mileage again, so watch out guys, you know who you are!
Other than a light tan and a lot of great seafood there's not much else to report. B2N April Adventure is on the 17th of April so check out if you fancy a fantastic day of biking in the New Forest.
Keep up the training, T :-)
Anyway I am back and I return energised and ready for action!
I spoke to my mate Roly today and signed up to his Healthtext service in order to get back on track and so that I can tell you how well it works! Check it out for some simple, effective reminders.
I am back into training after a "small" rest and am raring to hit the mileage again, so watch out guys, you know who you are!
Other than a light tan and a lot of great seafood there's not much else to report. B2N April Adventure is on the 17th of April so check out if you fancy a fantastic day of biking in the New Forest.
Keep up the training, T :-)
Sunday, 14 March 2010
I am off on holiday now until March 25th, so if you don't hear or see me do not worry!
I hope to return from 10 days in Florida with a tan.
Here's hoping...
Happy training :)
I hope to return from 10 days in Florida with a tan.
Here's hoping...
Happy training :)
B2N Mad March Bike was another successful day out - we had good weather, didn't lose anyone and there were tired legs all round!
Our day covered a 27 mile route across the New Forest with a lunch stop at The Royal Oak at Fritham and plenty of Mum's homemade brownies and flapjacks to keep up the spirits.
I'm looking forward to the next bike day in April, so if you fancy some rolling hills and beautiful countryside check out for details.
Tom :)
Our day covered a 27 mile route across the New Forest with a lunch stop at The Royal Oak at Fritham and plenty of Mum's homemade brownies and flapjacks to keep up the spirits.
I'm looking forward to the next bike day in April, so if you fancy some rolling hills and beautiful countryside check out for details.
Tom :)
Monday, 8 March 2010
Home sweet home
I haven't "blogged" in a week, possibly because I had nothing interesting to tell you, or more likely because I moved house and was sorting my accoutrements.
I am now a resident of Belsize Park, North London. That's right I've officially moved to the dark side and crossed the river to North London. I've never really understood the divide, both north and south london have their pros and cons. I do however like that I am next to Hampstead Heath and some great trail running through the trees and up and down the hills!
I am off on holiday to Florida from next Monday so I will get a couple more blogs in before then. Some of us Brits need to get a decent amount of sunlight to prevent turning into vampires! Naturally I have to keep up ultra training there, so there will be some great runs to do (18 miles) and even better I get to bronze myself in the process. Or in my case toast myself to a darker shade of white.
Enjoy the sun,
T :)
I am now a resident of Belsize Park, North London. That's right I've officially moved to the dark side and crossed the river to North London. I've never really understood the divide, both north and south london have their pros and cons. I do however like that I am next to Hampstead Heath and some great trail running through the trees and up and down the hills!
I am off on holiday to Florida from next Monday so I will get a couple more blogs in before then. Some of us Brits need to get a decent amount of sunlight to prevent turning into vampires! Naturally I have to keep up ultra training there, so there will be some great runs to do (18 miles) and even better I get to bronze myself in the process. Or in my case toast myself to a darker shade of white.
Enjoy the sun,
T :)
Monday, 1 March 2010
Like a glove!
Thanks to Asics and Gore-tex my feet remained dry and blister-free over the weekend. Catherine and I ventured out on our long run on Saturday and hit the trails and tracks near my parents home. It was muddy and gloriously hard going on the legs! I really like the off-road as it's less sore on my knees (what an old man!) but Catherine is definitely an asphalt hugger and I'll admit, faster on it than I. However I was king of the castle for the run, as I led the way for 13 miles. I don't believe it had anything to do with the Ginseng in my barley water or the berocca in my other bottle, nor the agony that Catherine was suffering because of a blister. Oh no, I am clearly just as nimble as a mountain goat over rough ground! Moving on....
Sunday was a wet and windy 11 miles to finish the weekends training off and all on road! This time we both enjoyed the run and it was nice to be on a stable firm surface after the day before. Once again the ginseng in one bottle and berocca in the other seemed to help with energy, but that is simple science really, B Vitamins are a must for training!
One helpful thing from the weekend is that I can eat bananas (if slowly) and orange clubs on long runs, without ill effect. Good to know for our ultra!
I hope you all enjoyed the warmth and rugby at the weekend!
Tom :)
Sunday was a wet and windy 11 miles to finish the weekends training off and all on road! This time we both enjoyed the run and it was nice to be on a stable firm surface after the day before. Once again the ginseng in one bottle and berocca in the other seemed to help with energy, but that is simple science really, B Vitamins are a must for training!
One helpful thing from the weekend is that I can eat bananas (if slowly) and orange clubs on long runs, without ill effect. Good to know for our ultra!
I hope you all enjoyed the warmth and rugby at the weekend!
Tom :)
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
Workouts, youtube videos and technical problems..
Yesterdays workout was simple but effective. I had 15 minutes to train, so it needed to be effective. Here's what I did:
- x10 push-ups
- x10 burpees
- x10 up&downs
15 minutes non-stop. I completed 7 sets, must try harder (and not feel sick) next time.
No equipment was needed, just a good piece of music to listen to. If you don't think you can do it, just reduce the number of reps to 5 and do it for 10 mins, I can guarantee it'll be a great session.
Today thankfully I am not sore, thank goodness for CherryActive! But it has made me realise how easy it is to train with a short amount of time and no kit. So today will be another 15 minute session before I go and run intervals with a client.
I had promised those visiting my youtube site helpful tips and advice as well as routines to try at home. Due to technical issues I have yet to do this, but don't worry it's coming soon. I believe I have sorted my camera problems and will be posting a training plan to try this week, which will require no equipment, so keep an eye on this blog for details.
Tom :)
Monday, 22 February 2010
Full Throttle Conditioning by Ross Enamait
Thanks to a new training manual by Ross Enamait at I was sore for 2 days after Friday's session and that was despite the power of CherryActive helping me out!
It's a great book and a simple way to liven up your training. After all it needn't be hard work to think up a program, just hard work doing it!
I am off to try another session, so I'll let you know when I can type again!
T :)
It's a great book and a simple way to liven up your training. After all it needn't be hard work to think up a program, just hard work doing it!
I am off to try another session, so I'll let you know when I can type again!
T :)
The road ahead
I had been thinking today after a conversation with clients last night and a landmark run by another client yesterday. My thoughts had turned to how we as individuals are motivated and what gives us drive. Don't worry I am not going to go all technical it was just some "food for thought" I guess.
I was thinking about our drive, especially my own, when through the door popped my new training manual. Full Throttle Conditioning by Ross Enamait. It is a truly challenging but fun read and in the second page he summed it up for me,
I was thinking about our drive, especially my own, when through the door popped my new training manual. Full Throttle Conditioning by Ross Enamait. It is a truly challenging but fun read and in the second page he summed it up for me,
"knowledge is power, but knowledge without action means little".
I was sat there reading and re-reading that line and thought "time to stop thinking Tom and start acting". So up I got and tested one of the Tabata Hybrid programs in the book. It was 10 mins of hard work, but it felt good. It felt good because I'd taken action and was motivated by those words.
One of my clients last week had spoken about being motivated to work by being around other people. She found (as I do) that when left to our own devices at home we are not as productive or creative compared with when working beside others. It could be the obvious, that we are at work Home after all is for relaxing, resting, recharging. Or is it something more?
If you look at the situation above from a fitness training angle, you can see similarities. Many people don't do any exercise, they don't have the motivation or simply feel they don't need to train. There are those that try to train by themselves, but often discover barriers after a few weeks that prevent them from doing so (usually lack of time, fatigue or weather). After these people are those that train regularly, it could be anywhere from twice a week to daily training, but they have a routine. These guys and girls are who we aspire to be, but how have they done it? They are the people who have realised their barriers to exercise and their limitations and have overcome them. They are actually ordinary people who run with running groups, go to gym fitness classes and use a personal trainer. They are committed to change, to a lifestyle of health and are the people who need social interaction. They could train by themselves (they have the fitness and ability) but by having an appointment to train with others or a trainer means that there are no excuses.
We are all human, some are genetically "gifted" while others have to work very hard in order to reach their goals. The obvious thing is that we are motivated in different ways, but for most of us the simple answer is to train with others. Find a group of walkers, runners, join a gym, learn a martial art, take a dance class. Whatever you choose you'll find it easy, enjoyable and productive when you exercise with others.
Just think of an ant colony, like them you are very small and vulnerable alone, but with others you can be mighty, great and achieve unimaginable goals.
Happy training :)
If you look at the situation above from a fitness training angle, you can see similarities. Many people don't do any exercise, they don't have the motivation or simply feel they don't need to train. There are those that try to train by themselves, but often discover barriers after a few weeks that prevent them from doing so (usually lack of time, fatigue or weather). After these people are those that train regularly, it could be anywhere from twice a week to daily training, but they have a routine. These guys and girls are who we aspire to be, but how have they done it? They are the people who have realised their barriers to exercise and their limitations and have overcome them. They are actually ordinary people who run with running groups, go to gym fitness classes and use a personal trainer. They are committed to change, to a lifestyle of health and are the people who need social interaction. They could train by themselves (they have the fitness and ability) but by having an appointment to train with others or a trainer means that there are no excuses.
We are all human, some are genetically "gifted" while others have to work very hard in order to reach their goals. The obvious thing is that we are motivated in different ways, but for most of us the simple answer is to train with others. Find a group of walkers, runners, join a gym, learn a martial art, take a dance class. Whatever you choose you'll find it easy, enjoyable and productive when you exercise with others.
Just think of an ant colony, like them you are very small and vulnerable alone, but with others you can be mighty, great and achieve unimaginable goals.
Happy training :)
Thursday, 18 February 2010
CherryActive - The Free Radical Terminator
I was introduced to CherryActive at the London Running Show last year and have been using it since to supplement my training diet.
CherryActive is an antioxidant "powerhouse", with a 30 ml shot containing more antioxidants than you'd find in 20 average fruit and veg portions. It is made from Montmorency cherries grown near to Lake Michigan, USA, which are specially selected for their naturally occurring antioxidants.
The antioxidants in CherryActive have been shown to reduce recovery time from intensive training, with reports of reduced inflammation and muscle soreness post exercise. Exercise produces a greater number of free radicals in the body. The damage caused by these free radicals is called Oxidative Stress and could lead to reduced muscle bulk and strength as well as long term health decline. Antioxidants "mop up" these free radicals, thus preventing damage to muscle cells. The high number of antioxidants in CherryActive means a greater number of free radicals will be neutralised following exercise, leading to strength gains as well as long term health and vitality. You can check out the research here
In my personal experience over the last few months I have found the following:
The important thing for me is the ability to run frequently with clients whilst continuing my own training. On the days following hard hill and interval training I have had virtually no muscle soreness and the ability to continue training the next day without problem. As I am training for an Ultra Marathon later in the year this proves to be invaluable as I keep on top of my training plan.
I have found this the most helpful supplement I've ever bought and have great pleasure in telling everyone about it. If you'd like to know more just visit their website at or read up at
Happy Training! :)
CherryActive is an antioxidant "powerhouse", with a 30 ml shot containing more antioxidants than you'd find in 20 average fruit and veg portions. It is made from Montmorency cherries grown near to Lake Michigan, USA, which are specially selected for their naturally occurring antioxidants.
The antioxidants in CherryActive have been shown to reduce recovery time from intensive training, with reports of reduced inflammation and muscle soreness post exercise. Exercise produces a greater number of free radicals in the body. The damage caused by these free radicals is called Oxidative Stress and could lead to reduced muscle bulk and strength as well as long term health decline. Antioxidants "mop up" these free radicals, thus preventing damage to muscle cells. The high number of antioxidants in CherryActive means a greater number of free radicals will be neutralised following exercise, leading to strength gains as well as long term health and vitality. You can check out the research here
In my personal experience over the last few months I have found the following:
- Reduced muscle soreness post high intensity training and long runs
- Feeling good to train 24 hours after intensive exercise (previously I needed longer)
- No colds over the winter period (November-present) since taking CherryActive
The important thing for me is the ability to run frequently with clients whilst continuing my own training. On the days following hard hill and interval training I have had virtually no muscle soreness and the ability to continue training the next day without problem. As I am training for an Ultra Marathon later in the year this proves to be invaluable as I keep on top of my training plan.
I have found this the most helpful supplement I've ever bought and have great pleasure in telling everyone about it. If you'd like to know more just visit their website at or read up at
Happy Training! :)
Monday, 15 February 2010
Fancy a Ruby Murray?
I have been cooking up a storm in the kitchen recently, but that's what happens if you leave the window open ;)
I decided to share my simple curry recipe as I surprised myself with how easy it was to cook!
Tom's "Lambo" Curry (because it's red hot...)
Feeds 2-3 (or Tom + 1 friend!)
1x red chili
1x garlic clove
1x bunch coriander
2x celery stalk
1x lime
1x red pepper
1x parsnip (large)
1x carrot
1x chinese lettuce
5-600g lamb (organic if poss)
3-4 tsp red curry paste (depending how hot you like it!)
1x 400ml tin of coconut milk
1-1.5 cups of quinoa
How to do it
Visit and follow the directions. ONLY KIDDING! Here's how...
1. Chop parsnip and carrot into large cubes and boil for approximately 8-10 mins or part boiled (not soft)
2. Chop the chili, garlic and coriander. Heat a little toasted sesame oil in a pan (good for flavour) and fry the garlic and chili for 2-3 mins.
3. Chop the lamb into cubes and add to chili and garlic fry on medium heat for 5 mins, turning intermittently.
4. Cut 2 slices of lime add to pan. Squeeze a little of remaining lime into pan, stir in.
5. Drain parsnip and add to pan, stirring in.
6. Add 3-4 tsp of red curry paste to the mix, stir in.
7. Add coconut milk and mix in, stirring regularly.
8. Simmer on low-medium heat for 8-10 mins, to cook lamb through and thicken sauce. Test lamb periodically to get your meat perfect!
Serve with basmati rice or quinoa for a healthy change from white rice.
Happy eating! :)
I decided to share my simple curry recipe as I surprised myself with how easy it was to cook!
Tom's "Lambo" Curry (because it's red hot...)
Feeds 2-3 (or Tom + 1 friend!)
1x red chili
1x garlic clove
1x bunch coriander
2x celery stalk
1x lime
1x red pepper
1x parsnip (large)
1x carrot
1x chinese lettuce
5-600g lamb (organic if poss)
3-4 tsp red curry paste (depending how hot you like it!)
1x 400ml tin of coconut milk
1-1.5 cups of quinoa
How to do it
Visit and follow the directions. ONLY KIDDING! Here's how...
1. Chop parsnip and carrot into large cubes and boil for approximately 8-10 mins or part boiled (not soft)
2. Chop the chili, garlic and coriander. Heat a little toasted sesame oil in a pan (good for flavour) and fry the garlic and chili for 2-3 mins.
3. Chop the lamb into cubes and add to chili and garlic fry on medium heat for 5 mins, turning intermittently.
4. Cut 2 slices of lime add to pan. Squeeze a little of remaining lime into pan, stir in.
5. Drain parsnip and add to pan, stirring in.
6. Add 3-4 tsp of red curry paste to the mix, stir in.
7. Add coconut milk and mix in, stirring regularly.
8. Simmer on low-medium heat for 8-10 mins, to cook lamb through and thicken sauce. Test lamb periodically to get your meat perfect!
Serve with basmati rice or quinoa for a healthy change from white rice.
Happy eating! :)
Friday, 12 February 2010
Can you push 100?
100 push-ups. Or press-ups, depending on what takes your fancy, same difference. Can you do 100 in one go?
I can......'t. But I'd like to. It's a man's thing isn't it? Like asking your gym mates how much they can bench. When they reply that they don't "do" the gym what do big men like ourselves turn to? Why the press/push-up! Of course this is where we men drop to the floor and attempt in often strange worm-like fashion to perform as many push-ups as possible, as though our lives depended on it.
Fit men can perform 40 push-ups in one go..FACT! Well it is fact according to Mens Health Magazine, 1995. (Please don't quote me on that) It's a reasonable number, it shows good core strength and stamina in your deltoids, pecs and triceps. Ok so most of us may not be at that number, maybe more like 15, 20, 25? So how do we improve? Well here's how..
According to my mate Geoff is how you do it. It asks you to test yourself, by performing as many push-ups as possible without rest. Then you must compare this number to the table provided in order to find your current level and thus the suitable 3 day a week program.
It may not be scientific, it may not be pretty (if you are a push-up worm) but it's SIMPLE, EFFECTIVE AND EASY...FACT!
So drop down and give me 12, then 10, 7 and a final 6...or just follow the program above.
Happy pushing! :)
I can......'t. But I'd like to. It's a man's thing isn't it? Like asking your gym mates how much they can bench. When they reply that they don't "do" the gym what do big men like ourselves turn to? Why the press/push-up! Of course this is where we men drop to the floor and attempt in often strange worm-like fashion to perform as many push-ups as possible, as though our lives depended on it.
Fit men can perform 40 push-ups in one go..FACT! Well it is fact according to Mens Health Magazine, 1995. (Please don't quote me on that) It's a reasonable number, it shows good core strength and stamina in your deltoids, pecs and triceps. Ok so most of us may not be at that number, maybe more like 15, 20, 25? So how do we improve? Well here's how..
According to my mate Geoff is how you do it. It asks you to test yourself, by performing as many push-ups as possible without rest. Then you must compare this number to the table provided in order to find your current level and thus the suitable 3 day a week program.
It may not be scientific, it may not be pretty (if you are a push-up worm) but it's SIMPLE, EFFECTIVE AND EASY...FACT!
So drop down and give me 12, then 10, 7 and a final 6...or just follow the program above.
Happy pushing! :)
BBC News at Ten features Help for Heroes work
I was pleasantly surprised to see BBC News at Ten feature the project that I am helping raise money for. If you missed it take a look at BBC iPlayer here and move it forwards to 5:29 where the report starts.
Help for Heroes along with The Royal British Legion are raising around £40 million to set up Personnel Recovery Centres where injured soldiers will be rehabilitated to help them continue a normal life as a civilian. This rehab is in addition to the rehab their already receive and is intended to help them take on civilian jobs once their military career has ended.
To find out more visit or for more information on what these charities are doing.
If you'd like to donate to my charity event, raising money for Help for Heroes, then visit my justgiving page.
Tom :)
Help for Heroes along with The Royal British Legion are raising around £40 million to set up Personnel Recovery Centres where injured soldiers will be rehabilitated to help them continue a normal life as a civilian. This rehab is in addition to the rehab their already receive and is intended to help them take on civilian jobs once their military career has ended.
To find out more visit or for more information on what these charities are doing.
If you'd like to donate to my charity event, raising money for Help for Heroes, then visit my justgiving page.
Tom :)
Saturday, 6 February 2010
Twitter is online!
I am now on Twitter. I have avoided it for so long, but it is ridiculously handy! I hadn't realised how simple it is to tell all of you about news, articles and events as well as offer up regular tips and advice while I'm on the move. So feel free to follow me at
Back to Nature fitness events is also now on Twitter to enable us to update you quickly and effectively about all new days coming up. Follow us at
Tom :)
Back to Nature fitness events is also now on Twitter to enable us to update you quickly and effectively about all new days coming up. Follow us at
Tom :)
Tuesday, 2 February 2010
The Vibrams are out!
I am about to don my Vibram Five Fingers for a little speed session with one of my clients this afternoon. For all those that don't know Vibrams are barefoot running shoes. They are basically a comfy rubber coating for your feet when running without shoes.
Today's session will be 800m intervals so there will be a good amount of time to test them out. I still hope to complete a half marathon in them this year, but as always it's slowly, slowly..
I am hoping that incorporating barefoot into my training will help strengthen the lower leg muscles for the off roading I will be doing on my West Country Shuffle in the summer. You can find out about that by reading the posts below or visiting my website
Happy running! :)
Today's session will be 800m intervals so there will be a good amount of time to test them out. I still hope to complete a half marathon in them this year, but as always it's slowly, slowly..
I am hoping that incorporating barefoot into my training will help strengthen the lower leg muscles for the off roading I will be doing on my West Country Shuffle in the summer. You can find out about that by reading the posts below or visiting my website
Happy running! :)
Wednesday, 27 January 2010
Tom begins charity countdown!
I have just finished my justgiving page for my charity run with Catherine this summer. We hope to raise £2000 for Help for Heroes by running-biking-running from Salisbury to Cardiff in June. We should cover approximately 120 miles by using mainly footpaths and byways cross country.
There are many reasons why to do this, but none better than raising money for a great cause. As I have many friends in the forces it is a cause close to my heart and I thought it was about time they benefited from my willingness to do stupid things! Please check the link above to see what they do and then visit my justgiving page here
If Catherine and I raise £2000 I will wear a costume voted for on the poll to the right. You have to have donated for your vote to count and we have to hit £2000, so dig deep and sponsor me!
There are many reasons why to do this, but none better than raising money for a great cause. As I have many friends in the forces it is a cause close to my heart and I thought it was about time they benefited from my willingness to do stupid things! Please check the link above to see what they do and then visit my justgiving page here
If Catherine and I raise £2000 I will wear a costume voted for on the poll to the right. You have to have donated for your vote to count and we have to hit £2000, so dig deep and sponsor me!
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
Tower 42 Challenge
On February 25th there is a stair running challenge at Tower 42 in London. The challenge requires runners to climb 42 floors at the tallest building in London for the housing and homeless charity Shelter.
I am already training for another stair event but am keen to do this one. So if you fancy joining me (I may be dressed as a pepparami) just check out the link below
If you don't want to climb 42 floors, why not include 5 floors for your training? Just take it steady to start then try taking 2 steps at a time. Climb up and down 4 times and that will give you a simple, quick and effective workout.
Happy climbing!
Tom :)
I am already training for another stair event but am keen to do this one. So if you fancy joining me (I may be dressed as a pepparami) just check out the link below
If you don't want to climb 42 floors, why not include 5 floors for your training? Just take it steady to start then try taking 2 steps at a time. Climb up and down 4 times and that will give you a simple, quick and effective workout.
Happy climbing!
Tom :)
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
Get out and about!
It may be snowing, cold and windy, but now is the perfect time to get out and train.
Despite the usual New Year's resolutions most people will struggle to get out in this weather. If you can try run/walk intervals (be careful on the ice) from work back to your home. If you live miles away why not run back to the station or part of the way home. That way when you get home you can relax knowing you've done the fitness for the day. It may only be 20 minutes, but it all counts and will leave you time to stretch, prepare a healthy meal and relax at the end of the day.
If you are keen to get into running check out my site for details on the running groups available
Happy training!
Tom :)
Despite the usual New Year's resolutions most people will struggle to get out in this weather. If you can try run/walk intervals (be careful on the ice) from work back to your home. If you live miles away why not run back to the station or part of the way home. That way when you get home you can relax knowing you've done the fitness for the day. It may only be 20 minutes, but it all counts and will leave you time to stretch, prepare a healthy meal and relax at the end of the day.
If you are keen to get into running check out my site for details on the running groups available
Happy training!
Tom :)
Thursday, 7 January 2010
B2N Fitness is live!
I am excited to tell you that the new B2N Fitness website is up and running in preparation for a great year ahead.
If you visit you can find out who we are, what we do and all the exciting events coming up in 2010.
The next event is B2N Kickstart on January 23rd. There are still places available for this fun and active event, so feel free to find out more at the website above. We've created this event to help everyone get the ball rolling with their fitness for 2010. With running, mountain biking and outdoor training suitable for all abilities there's a lot of fun to be had. Once we've tired you out with the training there's some great food to be had at The Radnor Arms with a 3 course meal to replenish those muscle stores.
Looking forward to seeing you in 2010,
Tonm :)
If you visit you can find out who we are, what we do and all the exciting events coming up in 2010.
The next event is B2N Kickstart on January 23rd. There are still places available for this fun and active event, so feel free to find out more at the website above. We've created this event to help everyone get the ball rolling with their fitness for 2010. With running, mountain biking and outdoor training suitable for all abilities there's a lot of fun to be had. Once we've tired you out with the training there's some great food to be had at The Radnor Arms with a 3 course meal to replenish those muscle stores.
Looking forward to seeing you in 2010,
Tonm :)
Sunday, 3 January 2010
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to all! I hope that you have had a restful festive holiday and a positive start to the New Year.
I apologise for the lack of posts after my initial promise to post tips and advice. Unfortunately I was ill at Christmas and spent most if it recovering or with family away from the computer.
However I'm back now, better, stronger and faster! Ok, so I'm only better the last two I'm still working on. My advice for this post is to ask you to check out and see how it can help you this year. I came across The Warrior through my flat mate Cj and found it a great way to detox and improve my energy quickly. If you can incorporate into your life for a month then you'll notice the difference.
Don't forget January 23rd is the next B2N event, check out for details.
Happy training,
Tom :)
I apologise for the lack of posts after my initial promise to post tips and advice. Unfortunately I was ill at Christmas and spent most if it recovering or with family away from the computer.
However I'm back now, better, stronger and faster! Ok, so I'm only better the last two I'm still working on. My advice for this post is to ask you to check out and see how it can help you this year. I came across The Warrior through my flat mate Cj and found it a great way to detox and improve my energy quickly. If you can incorporate into your life for a month then you'll notice the difference.
Don't forget January 23rd is the next B2N event, check out for details.
Happy training,
Tom :)
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