Monday, 27 June 2016

Another reality

The recent EU referendum reminded me how detached we can get from what is going on around the world. Since I moved our TV to the other side of the living room I haven't watched any news. I also stopped reading it online or in print. If it wasn't for social media I would have no idea what was happening around the globe. To be honest I got sick of reading about a great deal of negative shit that I have no control over. I used to take pride in knowing a lot about world current affairs, but it didn't actually help my life having this knowledge. In a lot of respects I get better news reporting from Twitter than any of the biased news outlets, which is just a sign of the times. I don't trust the media or the government to tell the truth in any way, so I have given up on them. 

That is not to say I don't care what happens to Britain. But when you decide to move abroad you are choosing to live somewhere else completely, otherwise you are just on holiday. I care most about what happens to my family and friends, so the best thing I can do is support them by keeping in touch. That is something I am putting more effort into in order to know how they are. I've made it one of my new habits to contact family everyday and friends at least once a week. It basically means I have to be more organised, which is never a bad thing! So if you get a message out of the blue from me then know that I am thinking of you and let me know how you are doing. Some times it is all too easy to get caught up in our lives and dealing with day to day stresses (understandably), now that I am not as crazy with work I have time to look out for my mates.

I'm working on a few little projects at home that will go on my new website that I finished yesterday. It looks reasonably bare at the moment, but I will be gradually adding content to it for your viewing pleasure! I am also looking into producing some reclaimed furniture, so I'll have that on the site over the coming weeks. Aside from that I am working on my running and weight training with Catherine and our mate Kurt. Our acrobatics is also coming along slowly but surely. Once Catherine stops working for the whole of Australia then we will get some serious practice in and maybe even produce some videos of the skills.

Until next time,

Tom :)

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