Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Keeping it short

Hey world. How you doin'?

This is a short update on my progress with my new habits of regular writing, meditating and action on work and life. That actually sounds like a shitload of stuff to go over, so I promise to limit this to 800 words or less. Shit here goes...

Across the board I am doing pretty well at routinely training, writing and meditating. No I am not Mother Theresa because that would be weird, she was much smaller than me. So yes I have room for improvement and that will be my focus once I've cracked out a couple more weeks of routinely sticking to my plan. One thing that is helping to remind me to be a badass is the app called Habit List. With it you can create a number of habits that you want to develop and it will remind you to do them as well as track how many you actually complete. So at the end of each week you can see some concrete evidence on whether you have actually achieved all those training sessions you talked about or whether you were talking out of your arse (again). I like it, it's simple and effective and comes well recommended by efficiency aficionado Tim Ferris who wrote the Four Hour Week, Diet and Chef. Check out any of his books, they are excellent. I fully expect my kickback for mentioning him to be huge ;)

One of my new habits of getting up early is going pretty well. I have read or heard from numerous sources that successful people across many different fields rise between 4:30 & 5:30am. As I normally have to get up for work at 6am it isn't much of a stretch for me to make it 5:30, so I have been setting my Sleep Cycle alarm to go off between 5&5:30 for the last week or so. I have probably averaged just over 7 hours a sleep a night since I've been doing it and feel so much better for getting writing and meditating done as my first task of the day. I am also well rested and get off to sleep quickly at night. Fuck that concept of 8 hours a night though friends. If you read the latest research you'll find that they don't actually know what is best and that it is specific to each individual. What works for me might not work for you. I know that 6 isn't enough and I normally wake up naturally after 7-7.5. Anyhoo (I know that isn't a real word) I have been able to write a page, read three pages and meditate during this extra early wake up time, so I am pretty stoked (dude) about that.

In terms of the writing I am progressing on my book (Sexual fantasies of a sloth Part 1) pretty well. I do need to write more on it everyday, but like a sloth it can be slow going. All joking aside my book needs a little more time focused on it, so I will be doing that before I do any blog posting in the future. I think it is often easier to talk shit than knuckle down to what we must do to move forwards. I think clever people call this procrastination, bloody know it alls.

Meditating am I. Ten minutes a day is my go to, although my target is actually three because any mother tucker can sit quietly and meditate for three bloody minutes! It's all about the small wins. Like I said above I am not Mother Theresa.

Work is mental with a capital M and L. I am happy that my own stuff is progressing well and just need to spend a little time this weekend thinking about where I am headed with it all. Once my book comes out I probably won't have much time for anything else because of all the interviews, book signings and TV serialisation. I know there is a huge interest in Sloth related material, so it's going to be full on. Nevertheless I need to set some new goals and have a think about my direction, both of which I am crap at doing.

Right I think that is everything. I probably missed something out, but hey I need to have material for my next post!

Until next time avid readers of this no nonsense blog,

Tom "the sloth" Alfry.

P.S If you are not very good with sarcasm then I apologise for you. No sloths were harmed in the making of this post or my new book.

P.P.S It was 772 words. BOOM!

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